Welcome to the Eternal Rain universe! Look here for updates about projects in the works and previews to Eternal Rain, Eternal Storm, and their prequels, sequels and spin-offs. There will also be bonuses like profiles and memes.

Story genres: Action, adventure, drama, sci-fi, fantasy, shonen
Rating: PG/Teen (13+) for sci-fi/fantasy violence

Story, characters, logos (c)KG Comics/Kita Mikichi


Character Index:

Eternal Rain
Toki | Kita | Reka | Takeshi | Sharon | Mara | Kiara | Jun-ai | Shaoqiang |
Yuki | Mizuki | Hisao | Shuuichi | Katsushiro | Daisuke | Rain & Storm antagonists

Eternal Storm
Shiori | Atsuko | Sora | Toshirou | Nasim | Yousef | Taki | Takumi | Hoshi

Keyholders' Legacy
Kaori | Nikkou | Hideo | Enes

Branch Index:

Eternal Rain
Prequels: Prologue | Flashbacks | Trigger | Takeover | Pressured | Rebellion
Sequels: Unbound | Revisited | Alliance

Eternal Storm

Keyholder Chronicles

Keyholders' Legacy

Preview Index:

Eternal Rain
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Eternal Storm
1 | 2 | 3 | 4

Keyholders' Legacy
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Side Notes:
Quick Reference | Who's Who? | Character Progression

The Cast: Yuki Takishima

Eternal Rain features a large cast of diverse characters...

The Cast: Allies from the Water Gate

Yuki Takishima helps out with supplies and news from the Kaita village. (Yuki: But I don't get to stay onboard very long. I'm only in the first half of the series! *cries*)

Specialty: wire, mid-range. Fighter rank is Nataña (intermediate fighter class).
Likes: Ice skating, hanging out with friends; favorite food is corn.
Dislikes: fighting
Relatives of note: aunt (Lady Mizurii Akibana)
Closest friends: Takeshi, Reka, Shuichi

Others' views of her...
Takeshi: She's the best. ^-^ (Kita and Reka: *smirk*/Takeshi: What?! *blush*)
Reka: Yuki's very sweet and considerate. (Kita: *snicker* Did you just say "sweet"?!)
Toki: She's nice. ^^
Kita: She and Takeshi are so cute. =^^= (Takeshi: *blush* Kita!!!)
Sharon: Yuki's timid, but strong. ^-^
Jun-ai: Strong? She gets hurt so easily, we can't even ask her to help us when we fight. <:(

Eternal Rain: REBELLION

Plot Summary The Llania Region has begun its sudden conquest of its neighboring dimensions. The Fire and Water Gates are colliding, and the new portals that appear as a result allow Llania&rsq...

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