that's alright, it was very long ^^;
yes, i personally think they are screwed up about that econ class...if i hadn't passed they wouldn't have let me walk with my class since it's apart of the core requirements..i don't know, i will have to wait and see *shrug* yeah, it's not that school is hard or that i didn't like it, i did like it and even when i didn't try hard i still did well...but i just ended up doing a lot of nothing in high school was a private, college prep it was harder than many i'm sure but i always thought it was, well not easy, but not hard which many transfers thought.
i haven't done things not just because of the anxiety issue, which i haven't even really told anyone of though i'm sure my therapist believes i have one..i'm pretty evasive when i don't want to talk about something..then i have had chronic depression nearly all my life, i didn't have a childhood, i wasn't a teenager really, and eventhough i'm techinically an adult i'm not much of one. i only recently started to feel that things were doing better and/or a sense of urgency or needing to grow and become independant until the death of my dog(june 2nd,2011) i took that as a wakeup call which i sorely needed...and now i am trying but it's very hard for me and i'm betting i will need to start addressing those anxiety issues or i may never be able to do things/finish/do well on DX
and i am actually working for my college prep rather than GED...i have the credits for it and i'm not going to get the minimum when i know i can do better T 3T but thanks very much! i hope i can get things square and finished soon..all this stuff of normality has just been suddenly crammed down my throat and i'm having a hard time swallowing XP
Oh, I'm not sure if I read that post. Sorry. :( My goodness, that sounds like quite the mess! I gotta tell you that schools are always screwing things up. I'm glad I've graduated. No more school for me...because they don't make things easy on the students. So you're not going to school physically because of your anxiety? I have anxiety problems, too. :( It really sucks. *hugs* I'm so sorry you have to deal with all of this! I hope hope HOPE that you will be allowed to finish that class and get your GED soon. Sounds like so much stress! Ugh!!
Good luck with it all. Stay strong and do your best.
stuff i mentioned in an earlier, annoyingly long post went more downhill than i was hoping T_T ..i mentioned how i still needed a semester of geo to get my high school college prep diploma (i could not do it and get the GED but i won't let a little math keep me from a college prep when i had more credits than needed for an honors), because of my depression and anxiety i did nearly nothing in HS so i barely passed many things...i finally worked up myself to email my school councelor about starting that geometry to get things over with and it turns out that i apparently didn't pass another entire class--one that was a passing requirement, which if i don't have it won't matter if i do the geo for my college prep because i won't even be able to get a general education-- which no one even mentioned back when i was scrambling to pass and be eligible to walk at my own graduation...THEN apparently school policy is you that have one calender year to finish any classes after graduation, and if longer, you are expected to pursue a GED on your own... he said i can come in and explain my situation though and see what can be done...
i'm fairly certain i can still get things done and sorted out...but this is much more than i was expecting to need to do and suddenly everything is crammed together even more and while i may be doing better than i was back then, i'm not that much! i'm worried about what will happen and i'm worried things are just going to get worse and it will take me longer and longer to do these things that people my age are already half way into...i was expecting to go into college in 2013 with my 2 years younger sister's class, but i need to take some time at a general tech college to get a new GPA to discount my HS one...not to mention i haven't taken the SAT/ACT either...this all needed from someone with a still as of yet unresolved deeply laden anxiety issue with doing, literally, anything...i am just not sure what i am going to do -____- at this rate i won't be starting college until my own class has already graduated from it! siiiiiggghhhhh...
sorry for long comment...just frustrated ranting.....................
What happened?? D: You're SO VAGUE. If you don't let us know what's making you so upset, we can't help. ;__; Unless it's super personal. *hugs* I hope things get better.
The Itsufer (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/03/11 | Reply
@Angel Zakuro:
that's alright, it was very long ^^;
yes, i personally think they are screwed up about that econ class...if i hadn't passed they wouldn't have let me walk with my class since it's apart of the core requirements..i don't know, i will have to wait and see *shrug* yeah, it's not that school is hard or that i didn't like it, i did like it and even when i didn't try hard i still did well...but i just ended up doing a lot of nothing in high school was a private, college prep it was harder than many i'm sure but i always thought it was, well not easy, but not hard which many transfers thought.
i haven't done things not just because of the anxiety issue, which i haven't even really told anyone of though i'm sure my therapist believes i have one..i'm pretty evasive when i don't want to talk about something..then i have had chronic depression nearly all my life, i didn't have a childhood, i wasn't a teenager really, and eventhough i'm techinically an adult i'm not much of one. i only recently started to feel that things were doing better and/or a sense of urgency or needing to grow and become independant until the death of my dog(june 2nd,2011) i took that as a wakeup call which i sorely needed...and now i am trying but it's very hard for me and i'm betting i will need to start addressing those anxiety issues or i may never be able to do things/finish/do well on DX
and i am actually working for my college prep rather than GED...i have the credits for it and i'm not going to get the minimum when i know i can do better T 3T but thanks very much! i hope i can get things square and finished soon..all this stuff of normality has just been suddenly crammed down my throat and i'm having a hard time swallowing XP
trying trying, thanks again *huggles* :3
Angel Zakuro
bird nerd. (Otaku Angel) | Posted 09/03/11 | Reply
Oh, I'm not sure if I read that post. Sorry. :( My goodness, that sounds like quite the mess! I gotta tell you that schools are always screwing things up. I'm glad I've graduated. No more school for me...because they don't make things easy on the students. So you're not going to school physically because of your anxiety? I have anxiety problems, too. :( It really sucks. *hugs* I'm so sorry you have to deal with all of this! I hope hope HOPE that you will be allowed to finish that class and get your GED soon. Sounds like so much stress! Ugh!!
Good luck with it all. Stay strong and do your best.
The Itsufer (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/03/11 | Reply
thankies for your concern :3, so do i :/
Pikachu Lover (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/03/11 | Reply
I hope you'll be ok ;w;
The Itsufer (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/02/11 | Reply
@Angel Zakuro:
stuff i mentioned in an earlier, annoyingly long post went more downhill than i was hoping T_T ..i mentioned how i still needed a semester of geo to get my high school college prep diploma (i could not do it and get the GED but i won't let a little math keep me from a college prep when i had more credits than needed for an honors), because of my depression and anxiety i did nearly nothing in HS so i barely passed many things...i finally worked up myself to email my school councelor about starting that geometry to get things over with and it turns out that i apparently didn't pass another entire class--one that was a passing requirement, which if i don't have it won't matter if i do the geo for my college prep because i won't even be able to get a general education-- which no one even mentioned back when i was scrambling to pass and be eligible to walk at my own graduation...THEN apparently school policy is you that have one calender year to finish any classes after graduation, and if longer, you are expected to pursue a GED on your own... he said i can come in and explain my situation though and see what can be done...
i'm fairly certain i can still get things done and sorted out...but this is much more than i was expecting to need to do and suddenly everything is crammed together even more and while i may be doing better than i was back then, i'm not that much! i'm worried about what will happen and i'm worried things are just going to get worse and it will take me longer and longer to do these things that people my age are already half way into...i was expecting to go into college in 2013 with my 2 years younger sister's class, but i need to take some time at a general tech college to get a new GPA to discount my HS one...not to mention i haven't taken the SAT/ACT either...this all needed from someone with a still as of yet unresolved deeply laden anxiety issue with doing, literally, anything...i am just not sure what i am going to do -____- at this rate i won't be starting college until my own class has already graduated from it! siiiiiggghhhhh...
sorry for long comment...just frustrated ranting.....................
Angel Zakuro
bird nerd. (Otaku Angel) | Posted 09/02/11 | Reply
What happened?? D: You're SO VAGUE. If you don't let us know what's making you so upset, we can't help. ;__; Unless it's super personal. *hugs* I hope things get better.
Take care.