the abyss...I had a submarine...

Ok, so I actually finished three whole drawings! Granted two were actually just incomplete, but still!! I feel all special now^-^

Anyway, one is finally my sister birthday drawing. There really wasn't a lot I had to do for that one, it was mostly done. Second is one that I don't really like a whole bunch but I finished it so I might as well out it up. The third is actually (are you ready for this?) it's a knight. With armor ann a sword (atucally it was cut in half:P) I did it for someone who kept pestering me about it. And one day I just sat down and drew it(well it was referenced, but come one who has detailed knowledge of armor in their mind?) Ever since then I have been trying to finish incompleted ones. Oh and Insane, no your birthday doodle isn't done yet. Please don't shoot holes in my sub.

Now I can only put one up at a time. So I will do Second, First, Third. According to the order I did in the last paragraph^-^

Have fun my pets! I have squids to hunt^-^

HINTS TO THE OBSCURE TITLE: the abyss is my artists block and I'm working my way out because I found an un used submarine at the bottom of a bottomless ocean and it was in perfect condition of course. Unless Insane tries to kill me. The squid thing has nothign to do with anything. It's just me being random^-^
