Where dreams invade my reality
- Created By mootouman
Happy new years!
WOW!.........2021...............We made it....
I sincerely hope everyone had a good holiday/New years experience! I just slept and ate heaps of food.....so not really different from the rest of the year LOL!!!
Kinda having a tough time making new art lately! and also just participating in anything...... probably just the seasonal blues? It's summer right now and I think we've officially entered the rainy season.
Which means if it isn't monsoon strength rains then its muggy and disgustingly hot....ugh!! Ive been avoiding doing my laundry....and I stretched myself thin trying to draw for zines that I don't really want to draw for......I feel awful for saying yes and then dipping out but that's my fault for not having the guts to say no in the first place.....heh....
Eh oh well, I'm pretty sure I cause 90% of the issues that plague me but does that stop me?? NOPE!
Hopefully 2021 is the year I learn to just quit being a dumbass!!!!