Stretch My Legs

It's been over a year since I last posted, and to be honest nothing much has changed. I've come up with a new topic though. I call it a topic because it usually makes people think a lot more than they normally would. Here it is "Reality is based upon the individuals perception. When enough individuals perceive reality in the same way the concept of truth is born." Why is the person who says the sky is green wrong? Majority rule is the simple answer. Then again the Earth was flat and we were at the center of the universe too. I've come a long way only to end up back at the same conclusion, just traveling from a slightly different direction. We live in a society where deviating from the social norms is frowned upon and worthy of being immediately ostracized from the "in crowd". It's sad, but if you pay close attention it's becoming more and more apparent that popular opinion means more than the individuals opinion or even the facts at times. I've read about the bullying "epidemics" as they call them, and I won't argue. Children are committing suicide because they are verbally, physically, and mentally abused by their peers. Some people will blame the individual who committed suicide rather than the society which drove them to it. If there was something wrong with the child to begin with what made him or her that way? We were all shaped in one way or another by society while we're young. Why else would we call them the formative years? I don't know about everyone else, but I was always told to be the best that I could be. Not the best that someone else could be. Why teach them to be an individual and then later put them down for it? This was only the first example which springs to my mind about this sort of topic. Just trying to type what I'm thinking here right now, and I've managed to lose myself in my own head. I'm not sure whether to laugh or cry when this happens.

Now I think I remember where I'm going with this. Reality is like a person. It should shape itself (read my post entitled Diamonds if you want to further understand this statement). We shouldn't have to shape it. Which actually reminds me of a gambit called Occam's Razor "The simplest answer is usually the right one." Well now I think I'm officially rambling. Reply with your thoughts, feelings, critiques, etc. I like to hear others thoughts on my thoughts. If they serve a purpose of any kind I'll take them to heart, and head while I'm at it.
