Dear Diary,
Elizabeth keeps staring at me in that "Haven't I seen you before?" look and she always talks to me with that questioning voice.
I guess it didn't go so well with her...
Ellie is getting really excited that we are in some sort of Desert Biome.
I realized I haven't stopped hugging my claymore since I got here...
Someone just knocked on the door.
I told them not to open it!
we saw someone there and the next thing I knew was the candle next to me burned out from the wind....
I wonder if anyone else noticed that the Finder has stopped screaming?
Today was the definition of fun. A bunch of level 2 swarmed us (with the occasional level 3) and now were staying in an abandoned house in the middle of a blizzard. I wonder when that finder will be quiet, he's been screaming on how were all gonna die.
And i thought this time the finder I got wouldn't be a complete idiot.
Oh well.
On the bright side, we are in my home turf. I got to show off my innocence today! I can manipulate ice to an extent (meaning i need water particles to be helpful. i hope we don't go into that desert again. That would be Bloody wonderful.) Freezing Akuma solid is a great way to destroy them.
I'll write more later, i think i heard someone knock on the door.....
Okkkkkk this place is weird. I swear we just were in a blizzard. So why are we in a desert????? Elvira said something like "were going west!" But how does she even know which way west is!?!?!?! No akuma yet. This is getting pretty weird. Normally they would have swarmed us by now. On a completly unrealated note, I feel like I've met Elvira somewhere before. Its kinda weird thou, because my head hurts when I think about it to much. Probably just my imagination.
Dear Diary,
I am on a mission with Elizabeth and Ellie.
There is a finder but he kept mumbling to himself about how we all are gonna die so I got him his own car... Yay for my powers! (I did that in secret)
So Right when we got there there was a village. Someone came by and was all like: WTF!!!!! It wasn't there an hour ago!
Target found.
We strolled in there and next thing we knew, we were somewhere in a desert. Before we were in some random forest. Now we are in a snowy field! Something tells me that we are gonna be here for a while...
I'm gonna open some hot packs. Last thing I want is my hands to freeze off.
Elvira Garcia
P.S. I have a strange feeling as though we should go west. I'll tell them that. Then, against most people's wishes, I'll go west.
Yep. It was lizzie. She ran up to me at breakfast today. She said "Ellie! we got a mission!" and dragged me off to Mr. Komui's office for the briefing. Strangely enough Elvira was there to. Our group mission to investigate a disappearing village. Apparently it would occasionally appear ( in the same spot twice a week), people would disappear (according to Mr. Komui mostly travelers not native to the area) then disappear. I'm now on the train with Lizzie an Elvira. And Elvira asked how i knew Lizzie, leading to me explain that Lizzie is my adopted sister. (she's my cousin, but when her parents died my family more or less adopted her) Ah the train stopped. i guess we're here. I'll write more later