Ciao! Ciana and Admin here! This world is mainly about stories that Admin thinks about! ((I've got good stories to share!)) Si! Anyways, Admin writes and I tell! They are really good (according to the people who read them) and they have an Ok plot.. ((I must agree)) Ok, Grazie!!~


Sorry if I haven't been writing lately! I have school.... And I can't get my hands on a computer.... And I'm grounded.... And I'm stressed... And school... *Flips Table* QAQ So as an apology, I will write depressing shit... o3o;;

I looked throughout my life. And yet, I find nothing. Nothing can keep me moving on, moving on to see my light. But, I don't really know what I'm looking for, what I am seeking in my life. A life? Love? Happiness? I'm pretty sure that I lack those things. I lack many those very things. I can't find my path. I'll never love. I'll never be happy. Not until I find someone to show me that. Maybe there is something to show me those things. They will teach me all of them. I always smile at them, hoping that I understand what I mean. I smile because I'm sad. I laugh because I am hurt. I feel like I am shut away in my dark realm. My dark realm of emptyness and sorrow. No one can help me now. No one will help me smile bacuse I'm happy. No one will make me laugh because I am in joy. I can't ever be helped. I cant ever feel loved nor happy. I'm all alone. Alone in my realm of darkness.

Just by the way, this is NOT happening to me irl. Well it does, but not as if I am just some emo kid in my dark corner. Anyways! Ciao For Now!~

~Feliciana's Admin~
