
Chapter 13

It was one night, when Lawliet wasn’t home, Watanuki asked me a question. “I was wondering if I could assist you on finding a dress for your…prom,” Watanuki asked. I paused wondering what he meant. “Lawliet told me he had asked you to go?” Watanuki said, as if Lawliet had been mistaken. “Oh! Of course Watanuki. I’d completely forgotten,” I said grinning.

Watanuki smiled and continued eating. As I was putting away the dishes Watanuki said something. “This means a lot to Lawliet..and me,” Watanuki said. “Oh Watanuki! It’s my pleasure!” I said. “It’s just Lawliet has never been this close to a woman before. And I’m not used to it so..” Watanuki said, thoughtfully. I smiled. “Watanuki, I’m hardly a woman,” I teased. Watanuki gave out a weary laugh. “So is tomorrow good for you?” I asked. “Yes yes tomorrow’s fine,” Watanuki nodded. “Great,” I said.


I woke up, threw on some jeans and a T-shirt then got myself some breakfast. After about half and hour Watanuki came down to join me, but no Lawliet. I sighed. “Anything wrong?” Watanuki asked in concern. “No Watanuki I’m fine,” I said. At about ten thirty we went to the mall close by.

I gaped at the dress shop, and all the girls in it. I went to the bargain rack, as I didn’t have much in the money department. “Why are you going there?” Watanuki asked. “Oh…well I don’t have much money right now so this rack should do fine,” I said uncomfortably.

“Absolutely not, Hannah! You will have a normal dress from those racks,” Watanuki said fiercely, jerking his thumb to the other racks. “But I can’t afford those, Watanuki,” I said feebly. “I will be paying then,” Watanuki said. “Watanuki no!” I protested. “Yes,” Watanuki said, ending the argument.

I went through cream dresses, grey dresses, and any other type of color you could think of! I finally settled on a beautiful blue silk dress. Watanuki did not even flinch at the price tag but simply nodded and put it on the register. I was awed at its intense beauty and imagined myself in it with Lawliet by my side.

I almost fainted. I could not wait to see him, my Lawliet, in a tux. I thanked Watanuki many times until he finally said “Please be quiet,” which I knew was my cue. I went to sleep happy and excited, for in a few more days my fantasy would become true.