
Chapter 15

After prom I saw Lawliet more often, but still not enough to be content. I decided that it was time for university. I mailed my application to my university of choice and waited. I brought up this topic one night when Lawliet was home.

“I’ve decided I’m going to go to university,” I said. Lawliet looked at me wide-eyed, while Watanuki nodded his head understandingly. “And which one is it?” Watanuki asked. “My first pick is To-Oh University but I doubt I’ll get in.” I replied. Lawliet kept staring at me then slowly turned his head to Watanuki. Watanuki gave Lawliet a brief, short nod. “Hmm,” Lawliet said, then returned to eating his dinner. “What was that?” I thought to myself. “Well you never know with Lawliet…” I smiled.

I cleaned my plate and got some tea and cake for him. “Thanks,” Lawliet said as I laid his dessert out for him. “And good luck on To-Oh University. We just might see each other there.” Lawliet gave me a thumbs-up. “You mean to say your going to To-Oh too?” I said in amazement. Lawliet nodded. “Well that’s great,” I said and give him the thumbs up too.


The weeks had dragged on and I’d been doing nothing in particular. Everyday I’d go outside and check the mailbox, even if the mailman never came that day. Finally when I was just about to give up hope, I checked the mailbox for one last time, and there it was. It was nice and fat too, which I thought was a great sign.

I dashed inside and opened it. Hannah Hale we are pleased to accept you to To-Oh University and are looking forward to seeing you. “Yes!! Yahooo!!!” I yelled all through the house. “What! What is it!?” Watanuki and Lawliet burst out of their rooms. “I made it to To-Oh University!!!” I yelled, shaking the acceptance letter into their faces. “Congratulations!” Watanuki said happily. Lawliet hugged me. “Oh come on Lawliet!” I shrieked. He let go. I was so happy. “I get to spend all of my university days with Lawliet!” I thought.

And thus it began. The undoing of me.