HI EVERYONE! And welcome to the FANTASTICAL WORLD OF IDK!XD Here there will be anything and everything that randomly pops into my head... And feel free to comment all you wish! I DON'T BITE!
You can say what ever you wish! Just, please don't be too negative!
And thank you for visiting my world of IDK! XD
Oh And thank you for all your visits to the FANTASTICAL WORLD OF IDK!
I love you all!
- Created By sharklover1313
Is This Love?
You're holding me in your arms now,
And kissing me so gently,
I don't know what to do,
So I kiss you back,
And then we let ourselves give in,
To sinful crimson sin,
Is it love that drives our need,
To be in eachothers arms?
Is it love that drives our need,
To kiss this passionately?
Is this love?
I think it is,
And I'm enjoying every last second of it!
I enjoy your hands around my waist,
And that soft look in your eyes,
Just before you kiss me,
I enjoy every little thing about you,
And I love you more and more,
Every day my love for you grows,
Until it overflows!