Welcome to the Fantasy Zone

This Zone is dedicated to the lesser known elements of anime hosted by the cast of Victory Script.

What weapon is the best?
Who will win in this Death Battle?
Is this costume practical?

You name it, it's all covered here in the Fantasy Zone!

Otaku Insight: Weeaboomer

Over the last month or so, the phrase "Ok Boomer" went viral after a young politician used the term to shut down an older politician who kept heckling her during a speech on Climate Change, in the last week, someone on Twitter suggested that over 30s anime fans should be called "Weeaboomers" captioned underneath an elderly version of Sailor Moon; being in that age group myself at 33 my reaction was perfectly justified by the picture below

First off, I don't even like the term "Ok Boomer", I find it offensive and promotes an Ageist attitude towards the elderly.
Second I hate being associated with Millennials, even if by definition I am one of the first batch of that Generation because I really dislike this holier than thou attitude that seems to have been adopted in recent years.
In regards to the subject matter, there is a generation gap developing within the fandom which can be tested by simply saying yes to statements like
"You know what VHS is"
"You call Goblin Slayer tame because you watched Fist of the North Star"
"You are aware that Full Metal Alchemist had a series before Brotherhood"
"You still think Gen 1 Pokemon is the best Gen"
"You still think Anime is taboo despite being generally favourable"
"You think $50 for a 30 minute OVA in one language on VHS is justified"
You get the picture; while there are areas of this era I dislike, I'm mostly grateful that I'm not going to be shot down so easily for liking certain titles; my aim with Project 1000 is to be the Anime Teacher and educate fans on my experience both for fun and as an eye opener, because anime is so diverse that it's so easy to overlook titles that get ignored for better or for worst because I don't really want to read any more dumb controversies or keep defending my hobby whenever otaku take it too far.
