Welcome to the Fantasy Zone

This Zone is dedicated to the lesser known elements of anime hosted by the cast of Victory Script.

What weapon is the best?
Who will win in this Death Battle?
Is this costume practical?

You name it, it's all covered here in the Fantasy Zone!

Otaku Insight: Return of Unintentionally Funny Lines of Dialogue

Welcome back to one of my favourite features. Enjoy!

"My Pain is far greater than yours!" - Naruto Sub
Looking at that face I'm inclined to believe him.

"Even Electronic Brain Pancake Crystal Elderly" - Ghost in the Shell Sub
I'm intrigued to know how the subtitle writers got to that conclusion.

"I'll now proceed to pleasure myself with this fish" - Code Geass Sub
A classic line from Anime past

"What was that? It sounded like a Homo being strangled!" - Fushigi Yuugi Sub
Is that the same as a dying giraffe?

"The density of this boner makes it as hard as steel" - Naruto Sub
What sells the picture is the many angry Naruto's im the background

"Guess where my other hand is!" - Clannad Sub
Gee I wonder?

"She has six boobs! I saw them!" - Toradora Sub
I believe you, but show me anyway

"Your breasts have ruined my Christmas" - Yuru Yuri Sub
Well I like to keep it topical

"And then I invoke the permanent card The Dignity of the Retarded" - Yu-Gi-Oh Sub
I'm curious to know what that card does or is it on a banned list?

"This Ramen is my Girlfriend" - Voltron Sub
I guess some people take those crazy Ramen commercials to heart.
