We've all been duped.

A harem anime is a romantic comedy where the lead has the attention of more than two girls or boys, each candidate having their own personality and set of fans who cheer them on, nothing gets an anime fanbase so riled up as having ships to support, just ask Ash Ketchum.
But you never had a choice, more often than not it's usually the first girl who wins.
Why that's so annoying for a watching crowd is that they are also the least popular choice; Naru Narusegawa is hated among the fanbase and is used as the poster child for hatred of tsunderes.
I don't think much has changed, in this era, an anime literally has to make the correct choice or face a public execution, although the Gundam Wing yaoi baiting was just pathetic back in the day, but we still get it now, and no Midoriya will never love Bakugo.
Some anime with dating game backgrounds will use the option of pick everyone, Photo Kano gave us time and endings with each girl and is left up to the fans to decide which one should be canon, Happy Lesson flat out has the lead marry everyone, spare a thought for anime that never have a conclusion like Sakura Taisen despite us leading to believe there would be one.
So choice in what girl or boy to have is entirely at the writers digression.
The only choice from an actual harem to be correct is from Kiss Him Not Me.
But the first piece of media to really break this trend can't even be considered manga; original English language manga Aoi House, a story about two guys ending up in a yaoi fangirls college dorm, and while I have some opinions about that era of fandom circa 2005, but despite having an obvious candidate in the resident tsundere, she doesn't win the harem.
Whether you like it or not, time is a constant and things change as does taste and needless to say these characters haven't aged well.
There's no set order either.

1. Gourry Gabriev from Slayers
Slayers is a fantastic series of very capable characters, pity Gourry isn't one of them, the sheer gap between Lina Inverse and Gourry in power and abilities make for grim reading for the blonde swordsman, not helping his case is trying to be chivalrous to a character that doesn't need help and spending way too much time being the butt monkey.
2. Chang Wufei from Gundam Wing
I was surprised how well Gundam Wing aged but then lose it when you see how much of a misogynist Chang Wufei is, while the franchise isn't short on dramatic fighting types and you can make a decent case for the G Gundam cast to appear on this list also, at least G Gundam wasn't belittling the female characters it did have.
3. Louise Françoise le Blanc de la Vallière from Familiar of Zero
Flaunts her title as an excuse to abuse the lead character, need I say more.
4. Kagome Igarashi from Inuyasha
You could make a case for Akane Tendo but some of her tsundere outbursts are justified considering the company she's around, Kagome doesn't have that excuse, at first Inuyasha did need keeping on a leash but when Kagome practically abuses it for the whole run of Inuyasha it doesn't leave me with much to like.
5. Naru Narusegawa from Love Hina
Get used to the tsunderes, they're usually my first target for these lists.
Naru after a while was really only abusing Keitaro to hide her own insecurities, it's hard to watch at times.
6. Lynn Minmay from Macross
She is literally just eye candy and every sci-fi idol has surpassed her even within her own franchise.
7. Belldandy from Ah My Goddess
Has all the personality of a domestic doormat and easily one of the most beautiful female characters of her era, yet I hate every story that focuses on her.
8. Ryo Saeba from City Hunter
Bad ass or not, you can't get away with Johnny Bravo womanizer behaviour even in anime, Ryo is a frustrating character to watch at times.
9. Haruhi Suzumiya from Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
I haven't really forgiven her for some of the worst aspects of anime fandom, that will require it's own list in the future.
10. Hilary Tachibana from Beyblade
It's thanks to Hilary that Beyblade never really evolved beyond a boys club. It basically boils down to toy anime not being very inclusive, something that hasn't changed much even today.
Were back with another character ranking, this time it's Love Hina.

Keitaro Urashima
I'd like to say he has very poor taste in women which may or may not set the tone for the rest of the ranking but he's hardly the butt monkey degenerate like those that followed, when allowed to be a character he's actually quite a decent guy.
Naru Narusegawa
It's hard to look past the fact that she's violent for no reason but trust me she's not the worst offender, I do like the fact that her insecurities bite her later on making her less high and mighty.
Mutsumi Otohime
Easily the best character and way more devious than her ill health lets on, she ended up being the biggest cheerleader to her two best friends.
Shinobu Maehara
She acts her age surprisingly and that should be a plus but her anime counterpart is dreadful.
Motoko Aoyama
Easily has her own insecurities which flare up due to her feelings over her older sister marrying and she does get over most of it but much of her early character is difficult to like.
Kaolla Su
Combining eccentric genius with ADHD borders on Western cartoon tropes, I wish they explored more of her background instead of making her more intolerable.
Kitsune Konno
I'm glad they remember that not all girls need to be in love with the lead and Kitsune is a good balance when it comes to observation and acting big sister.
Haruka Urashima
Another no nonsense observer of chaos but gets a happy ending she never saw coming and is richly deserved.
Noriyasu Seta
Proving that the dandiest of men can be as big as a goofball as Keitaro.
Sarah McDougal
The anime equivalent of Scrappy Doo, never liked her nor gave me a reason to like her.
Kanako Urashima
Shall this be patient zero of the sister love thing? Kanako easily borderlines yandere with some of her actions but is saved by the fact that she helped change Naru's character for the better towards the end.
Keitaro: 9.3/10
Naru: 7.2/10
Mutsumi: 9.6/10
Shinobu: 7.4/10
Motoko: 7.8/10
Kaolla: 6.4/10
Kitsune: 8.6/10
Haruka: 8.8/10
Seta: 8.0/10
Sarah: 2.0/10
Kanako: 7.9/10