Not done one of these for a while.
"Anime doesn't do women well"
This person is either blind, ignorant, stupid or has only seen ten anime, let's go with ten anime. It's easy to look at the ten most popular anime right now and think there isn't much in the female character department, Naruto definitely hasn't got that development but has improved in Boruto, My Hero Academia isn't much better but at least has a couple of standouts. I think the issue here is watch more than ten anime and don't be afraid to push out of your comfort zone.
"People only remember Macross for the idols"

It's the only thing I remember about Macross.
Real talk, when Macross was released it was up against the more colour friendly Gundam so in order to standout more, they added idols which also coincided with the new craze of idols in the 80s, after seeing Lynn Minmay, it's hard to picture that Macross was indeed a war sci-fi with fighter jet mechs, a lot of 40+ year olds would disagree with me but Lynn Minmay was so popular back then that there was an idol in every series of the show afterwards and that is harder to defend, even Gundam Seed's Lacus Clyne is a nod to Minmay.
"Vegeta is stronger than Goku"
Not really but Vegeta is the better man. Ego aside, his background makes him very well versed in being a leader and knowing what's important.
"Taiga from Toradora is a dumb character"
I've not seen Toradora but given how I feel about tsunderes recently, I don't think I'll like her, hardly a dumb character though, she's better written than most tsunderes, in fact the best written tsundere of all time isn't even an anime character, it's Hey Arnold's Helga Pataki.
"Bleach is overhated"
It's balanced and the criticism it gets is justified considering how much of it's own universal laws it had to break to make the story work.