Welcome to the Fantasy Zone

This Zone is dedicated to the lesser known elements of anime hosted by the cast of Victory Script.

What weapon is the best?
Who will win in this Death Battle?
Is this costume practical?

You name it, it's all covered here in the Fantasy Zone!

Otaku Insight: Unintentionally Hilarious Lines of Dialogue Yakitate Japan Edition

Lately these are the only posts keeping my sanity in check so lets go for another.
Before I begin, I'd like to remind readers that Yakitate Japan is about making bread.
All lines are from the subtitled version.

"Please forgive this ignorant old lady, who didn't even know that you can't dry cats in the microwave"
How do you add to this piece of dark humour?

"It's not unusual for an elderly person like yourself to think of drying her cat in the Microwave"
But the Bill Clinton caricature reassures her that this is normal

"Hey, Freezer Boy!"
Spoken while referencing Super Saiyans

"Not another word! Shut up and eat my croissant!"
A reminder that this anime is about making bread

"The first problem is that the juices trickle out"
Care to elaborate?

"Putting black things into their mouth isn't a big deal for the Japanese"
Always thought that was an American thing

"By Conan, do you mean the show that airs on Monday during Primetime?"
4th wall break to advertise another anime

"Throw away your common sense and get an afro!"
Okay sister, why?

"The feeling of shouting "love!" from the core of an afro"
Oh this is what you meant, I think

"If you show your dick here, the program will be discontinued!"
So what's Food Wars excuse?
