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Hey! I'm Mocha! I'm the kind of person that you shouldn't talk to if you're tired, (unless I'm also tired,) and who's hyperness doesn't change with sugar or caffeine, it just depends on the day I'm having. I'm a member of theOtaku hostclub, and I'm only a fan of... many.

I can't list all my likes and dislikes, but there aren't a lot of things I don't like. You'd have to talk to me to find out.

It's a pleasure to be here. I hope I get to talk to most of everyone! (I like talking... heehee.)

This world is for fan-fictions and stories that AREN'T REAL! They may be based on some of my own experiences, but then again, maybe not. ;)

OHC Christmas (SSS) Chero

“Boss.” What was that? It was bugging him. “Boss.” Urgh, go away, I’m sleeping, he thought to himself, moving his arms closer together to better prop up his head. “Mr. Cavallone!” “What?&rdquo...

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