What I Like About Goku Black (DBZ/DBS)

But of all of the new things that we were introduced to in Super, probably one of the most controversial was the introduction of this Goku Black character and his subsequent saga in the story. I didn't watch every single episode but I kept a close eye on it and even though there were some people who thought it was dumb, I actually thought it was an awesome twist to a cliché.

By cliché I mean the "Evil-version-of-the-main-character" that has been done before, but I personally believe that Goku Black is so much more.

To me, Goku Black had a lot more independence than the tried-and-true cliché "Dark" version of a main character. Despite the controversy with Goku Black having a British accent in the English Dub, I thought it was an amazing touch, but that's just at the surface.
Story-wise, I thought the premise of Goku Black being a time-travelling Kai with a god-complex who has a vendetta against humans brought a very interesting and gritty twist to the series.

Plus, Super Saiyan Rose looks freaking awesome! I know it's weird because it's pink, but when it has echoes to a plot device in which the ki of the gods (or at least the main villain in this case, I don't fully recall) appears pink.
It's simple touches like that which I can appreciate.

But back to the surface-level aesthetic pleasures of Goku Black, I believe that it has a stern independence that is conjured by the physical features (i.e. the Super Saiyan Rose rant I made above plus what comes next) and that's what I like the most about this villain. Not only does the character carry a literal and metaphorical villainous aura that is so contradictory to the character he's based on, but he's establishes as an independent character through his fighting style.