YAY! your alive! lol wow your lucky you got rockband Sadly i dont have a PS3 just PS2. I might ether get an xbox360 or a PS3. Well have a great day and see ya
Dang man it HAS been a while eh? I'm glad to see you back, and that you have LittleBigPlanet for PS3! That game is SO fun! So you have a PS3 now, I'm glad more people are getting it means more people for me to play!
My PSN ID is lionheart5 just like that all lowercase and one word.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/19/09 | Reply
YAY! your alive! lol wow your lucky you got rockband
Sadly i dont have a PS3 just PS2. I might ether get an xbox360 or a PS3. Well have a great day and see ya

Otakuite++ | Posted 02/19/09 | Reply
little big planet is really fun
and ill add u on PSN
Burning Spirit (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/19/09 | Reply
Dang man it HAS been a while eh? I'm glad to see you back, and that you have LittleBigPlanet for PS3! That game is SO fun! So you have a PS3 now, I'm glad more people are getting it means more people for me to play!
My PSN ID is lionheart5 just like that all lowercase and one word.
See ya around then!