The ground started to shake. Dino held onto Chero and Jenny to make sure they did not fall.
“What’s going on?” he asked.
“Earthquake? But it feels different…” Chero said.
“Kiki? Kiki’s doing something…” Jenny said, “What the hell?! Whatever she is doing is dangerous and absurd!”
“Like what?!” Chero cried.
“I don’t know! But this happens sometimes when Kiki messes with her pocket watch! This is not just something she does for fun!”
Jenny frowned, “What does she think she is doing?!”
Bright lights flashed and lighting cracked. A giant light surrounded the trio.
Dino quickly covered the two girls to keep them safe.
The light faded leaving things unchanged.
“….Nothing happened…”Chero said.
“For all the pomp and circumstance….that was rather unexciting…” Dino said.
“Was that the front door?” Jenny questioned.
“Jenny?” Chero questioned.
Jenny ran over to the staircase and looked down, “Huh? What?...What? Hey! Guys! Look! The front door!”
“What happened?” Dino asked, joining Jenny.
“Heeeey! Is anyone here?” Dino’s voice called from the bottom of the stairs.
“They’re not here…maybe they went upstairs?” Hime suggested.
“Sheeesh! Those disaster twins always wandering off on their own. And they dragged Danni and Francis into going too!” Jenny complained, “They were the first ones here and yet they are nowhere to be seen!”
“What on earth is happening?” Dino asked, looking from the top of the stairs.
“No way! We’ve gone back in time!” Chero explained.
“We’ve gone back in time…even though Chero was gone?! Who made time go back then?” Jenny asked.
“…..I’m going to die very…” Chero started.
“Chero? What’s the matter, bella?” Dino asked.
“I’m forgetting something…Something someone told me…But what was it?”
“AH! They’re coming upstairs!” Jenny cried, “What do we do?”
“I see! Let’s hide on the third floor again! Chero, you have to hide first,” Dino instructed.
Chero frowned and was going to protest, but agreed, “Ok…”