OtakuOni: Chapter Fifteen

Dino, Chero and Jenny waited in the piano room. Jenny found a deck of cards so the trio plaid “Go Fish”.

“Got any threes?” Jenny asked Dino.

“Go fish…Got any queens, Chero?”

“You’re going to have to throw your net on the other side of the boat!” Chero said.

“Whaaaat?” Jenny laughed.

Dino chuckled, “And on that note…I think it has been long enough. We should be safe to go out now.”

“Chero, how’s your headache holding up? If you want to stay here and rest, Dino and I can go and look for the journal.”

“Oh…I’m sorry. I’m fine…Let’s look for the journal!” Chero said, “Starting from the first fl-“

Chero stopped talking when the door to the piano room opened. In walked Kiki.

“Oh?” she said.

Chero gasped. Jenny facepalmed and Dino tried to remain calm.

“W-what the h-…You again?! Ow…” Kiki asked, walking towards them, holding her injured shoulder.

“Um…yeah…” Jenny said, “What happened to your shoulder?”

“Nothing. It’s nothing…” Kiki said, staring at Chero.

Chero blinked in confusion, “Hmm? Is there something on my face?”

“No. I see…that’s it…” Kiki said to herself.

“Kiki!! Your shoulder is bleeding!” Jenny cried.

“Yes, I know! There is no reason to freak out.”

“Kiki’s clothes are getting red…is that…blood!? Why? But she was just fine when she came in…” Chero thought.

“Say…Jenny…what is your purpose here?” Kiki asked.

“W-what? It’s to escape with everyone!” Jenny said.

Kiki facepalmed, “I know THAT. I mean…why are you in THIS world…?”

Jenny gasped. Kiki turned away from her friends, trying to hide her pain.

“Want me to be blunter? Why are you, Chero and Dino here? What are you doing in this world?”

“…we’re looking for the journal…” Dino said.

“Dino!” Chero cried.

“We can’t find it anywhere. And without it we cannot go back. That is why…”

“Ha! Then go back already! All this loitering around is tearing up the time and
space flow!” Kiki said, tossing the journal at Chero’s feet.

Chero picked it up, “The journal! You had it, Kiki?”

“I found it on the first floor…Ugh…What the hell?! They’re feeding it! You’ve got to run!” Kiki lectured.

“W-what?! What are you talking about?” Chero asked.

A huge monster entered into the room.

“It’s here…You three have to go back! And don’t intervene anymore!” Kiki shouted.

“W-wait! Are you going to fight alone? You can’t!” Jenny cried.

“They’re feeding it? Who? The enemy? My wounds…”Chero wondered.

“Sorry…Chero-dear…we don’t have much time.” Kiki said, “You’re going to die very soon…Just listen to what I have to tell you…”

“What? Wait…I don’t understand…” Chero said.

“Just listen to me! That’s all you have to do! Don’t go to the second floor! That’s all…”

“Oh…”Chero said.

Kiki turned to face the monster and held up her hand with the watch in it, “God…what a nuisance…”

A bright light flashed.

“I can’t move!” Jenny cried.

“Don’t worry…” Kiki said, “I’ll die before it can attack you! I’ll send you
forward in time using the journal and watch little power my watch has left!”

“Wait!” Dino cried, “You’re—“

“Please…cut it off…end the cycle…” Kiki solemnly interrupted.

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A bright light surrounded Chero, Dino and Jenny. They vanished from the room, leaving Kiki and the monster alone.