
Hello. I can not have gifs here anymore. Nor can I have music players. But I can ramble. And I am Fonic Awesome. And that's something at least. Thank you.

Becca aka Bobby

Straight Guys Are Hot

Fight Yaoi With Rock

.:The Unsaid Works' EPIC:.
Finally, Getting Back to Good.

Disney things

So, my only real resolution this year was to get awesome healthy and in shape. So what did I do on New Years Day? I got sick. Still sick. Just enough to not want to do anything but still feel like I'm wasting my time not doing anything.

Anyway, we were looking up Disney songs on Youtube in their "Native" languages. Because. So I was looking at a few yesterday: Beauty and the Beast's Bonjour in french, Hercules' Won't Say in Love in Greek... It's fun. Most of the time I do prefer ourr voice actors to theirs, for some reason all the heroes forein voices sound kinda sissy. Even our Gaston sounds better. And Frollo, definately. I did grow up with them, though. And the direct lyric translation can be very interesting. Like, Meg's last lines are something like, "I won't say it, get off my case. I won't it. At least oud loud, I won't say I'm in love." In Greek it's something like, "He's not it, I don't want him. He's not it, I don't need him. But he is sweet, the god of my heart." And the different translation for Hellfire? That's such a potent song, you get some really interesting messages there. I think it was Icelandic that was pretty blatent.

Anyway again. I also looked up Kiss the Girl. And I haven't watched this film for many many years. But there are things that you don't catch when you're young that make it so much better. This song, for instance? We've all already decided that Prince Eric is the best Disney prince/hero/love interest yet. I mean, he's the only one that ever really does anything!
Aurora's Phillip: sure he fights a dragon, but not without three fairy's holding his hand the entire way. And the falling in love part? "I hear a strange voice in the middle of the woods. A crazy girl dancing with bunnies? But she's pretty! Singing in the woods! All for that!" and just joins in.
Cinderella's Prince (I keep wanting to call him philip too. Name anyone?): The biggest thing he did was ignore his dad. Then "Oh no. Guess I'm going to have to try this shoe on every single pretty girl in the kingdom."
Belle's Beast/Adam: Brat to Girly man. By the time it was done, his eyelashes were longer, his lips fuller, and his voice higher than hers. At least he has a nice singing voice. But he locked her up, didn't do anything too heroic and it was all his fault anyway.
Aladdin: Fun kid, but a complete brat. He is a riffraff, he always was. And that's fine, so is Jasmine. But not quite what we're looking for. Plus, again didn't do anything huge without a genie and or flying carpet.
Mulan's captain Shang: Good hearted guy, but SUUUCCHHHH a GUY! Little bit thick. Had to struggle between honor and life. A few times.
Hercules: Yah.... Simple guy with some serious issues. And man, when he gets moody he gets MOODY. Plus, part god, and when he really did risk his life, he already jumped before Hades said he would die, not sure if that counts.
Peter Pan: Love him but skipping for obvious reasons. XD
Prince Naveen: Sorry Deanie. You are an utterly hopeless romantic when it comes to insecure brats, but again. Hopefully obvious reasons.
John Smith: Oh, what a guy. And in the same way as Shang, which is not a good one. Still, chose him over Ralphe any day.
And I'm not even going to start on Snow White's prince. coughnecrophiliacough.
Anyone I'm missing?

Eric, though. This 18 year old guy is a gentleman, he's patient, he's open, understanding, I mean Ariel was pretty awkward there for a good while. And his dog finds some aparently crazy, mute, ragety girl playing in the tidepools, who clings on to him the first chance she gets and he's just like, "Whoaa there... Why don't we find you some clothes. And... you can stay at my castle, I guess. Cause obviously no one else wants you." Then this mute girl is overshaddowed by this supposedly quite seductive temptress and she still has to enchant him to get him away from Ariel. And then he takes the whole mermaid without even blinking and dives into the ocean with a humongouslyhugely octopus witch to do whatever it is he can to help. Which just happens to be steering (on his own) a sunken ship into the humpngouslyhugely big octopus witch! If that's not awesome, you tell me what is. Plus, he still marries the crazy mermaid knowing that King Tritant is sitting right there watching! He is a very large, ver powerful, very scary guy who controls the entire ocean of Eric's SEASIDE, OCEAN-DEPENDANT kingdom. Now he's his father in law. That is bravery.

But the best part is Eric's behavior during "Kiss the Girl". I urge you to watch it. The entire time he's trying to be a gentleman to this strange gilr who doesn't know how to act in a dress, and almost crashes his carrage. During the song sequence Ariel is obviously losing her patience. She is ready, willing and waiting and Eric just looks slightly terrified! At :50 Ariel's completely ready to go but Eric kinda freaks out and pulls real quick at the last second, looking nervous, embaressed, and regretful. Then at the end when they finally go for it, again, Ariel is set, but Eric looks terrified! She's all in position and he looks like he has to really concentrate on ewhat he's doing. So, Eric is this 18 year old prince that knows responsibilities and manners, wanders around doing all these things, sailing, hiking, music, and everything. But he doesn't seem like he has all that much experience around girls. It's kinda adorable. XD I just never noticed that before.

And if any of you want, this is it in It's native Danish, seeming as The Little Marmaid is originally a Danish tale. And I'm part Danish! Nothing to do with anything but had to throw that in.

Ok. I love to analyze and Disney can be so much more fun so I thought I'd share that. This was way more than I intended so sorry about ranting.

DUDE! I totally just realized this just now. Sebastin is kinda creepy. When taking all things into consideration:
-A Jamaican crab in the seas of Scandinavia
-Humans can't understand animals. Yet Sabastion still tells Eric Ariel's name.
-Human's can't understand anilmals, but Sabastion still manages to completely "influence" Eric with this song. The lyrics near the end being, "Float along and listen to the song. Song say Kiss the girl. Music play. Do what the music say, you gotta kiss the girl."
-Sebastion is not King Trinant's (= to King Neptune or Poseidon)right hand man for no reason.
CONCLUSION: Sebastion is totally a little voodoo crab! He's got enchantments all of his own! He's a hoodoo wizard. Ok. Now I am done.

Frollo!: Hunchback of Notre Dame

Best Disney sequence EVER! It just seems so much more thought out than others, and I love original Disney. Frollo is the best Disney villain as well. He may not be my favorite (may), but he is the most complex. And I LOVE his voice. I could listen to that guy for hours. His design is refreshing, and a little different than even the rest of the characters in the film. More raw. This sequence is not only beautiful and intriguing, but the song is as well. Again, more raw. I've alway been proud of Disney for not Disnifying this film.

Watch the animation. It's so smooth and detailed. Even for modern animated films, but especially for then. The way his clothes swirl and wave. Just watching his hem while he moves his arms. He shadows, especially at the end. His hair falling in and out of place, being out of breath. The expressions that literally flash across his face through the whole song. Beautifully illistrated conflict.
I never understood what the latin parts were saying, but they add soooo much to the sequence and the character. If you go to the original link, the "author" put up the full lyrics in their comments, including the latin translations. I strongly suggest it. The first part with just the chants was cut off this version, but the lyrics are still there. I could analyze this thing for hours.

Awesome! Chris Bliss

I know. Too much Beatles. But this for the skill just as much, if not more. This is amazing! You've got see it!
