Twilight sucks

Would you gaze lovingly into the eyes of a swamp monster? Or an ork? Or those frog creatures from the Hellboy comics? How about vampires? Back in the good old days, when gas was cheap, people were decent, and monsters were monsters, vampires were demonic villains who killed young women and drank their blood. Giant, evil mosquito-men. Try telling that to today’s youth. These days, vampires are depicted as dangerous, mysterious lovers, passionate and graceful, yet ruthless and frightening. My reaction to this phenomena is, as you might imagine, “What the crap?!” Vampires are the bad guys, people. They do not stave off the desire to kill you because they love you, they just freakin’ kill you. And they aren’t sorry. The Twilight books are sullying the bad names of vampires. This isn’t right!

Even if you think I’m getting a little worked up about vampires (I’m not), you can’t possibly defend the Twilight books themselves. The books would have seemed well-written if they had been written by a sixth grader. The author, in fact, is a thirtysomething college major, and an English major at that. An English major! Can you believe it? I mean, at one point, Bella describes her mother as looking like an older, short-haired version of herself. Fine, but this is before we hear any sort of physical description of Bella herself. Is this good writing? NO! And look at this, this is an actual passage from the book: “A groaning metallic thud hurt my ears, and the van settled, glass popping, onto the asphalt […]” (Meyer 56)

Wow. Really paints an image in your mind of…nothing, really. The book is full of lackluster and/or just plain strange descriptions (“He lay in the grass […] his glistening pale lavender lids were shut […]” [Meyer 260] ), not to mention totally unnecessary side plots and dialogues. Plus, the protagonist is so thoroughly unpleasant. Bella comes to Forks, where she meets this…guy, who is rude and never talks to her, and appears to hate her for absolutely no reason. So she of course she decides that she is madly in love with him, and spends the next zillion pages wallowing in self-pity because he is apparently not equally infatuated with her. Meanwhile, nice, decent, totally appealing guys are falling over themselves to be with her, but no, her wittle heart is already spoken for. I have never read a book with a main character so shallow, oblivious, whiney, two-dimensional, and just plain stupid. She makes the gals from the Baby-Sitter’s Club books look like Anna Karenina. And here’s my favorite part (well, one of them). Bella describes herself as being slender, pale, dark-haired, and a bit too full-lipped. Guess what? That also describes Stephenie Meyer. Clearly, Bella is intended to be Meyer, and the Twilight books are her own silly girlish daydreams on paper. The question is, why are people paying good money for someone else’s poorly written sexual fantasies? Are we really that stupid? Why do these needlessly thick-spined, simpering excuses for novels sell better than the (deservedly thick-spined) Harry Potter novels? Why? There is no logical reason for anyone to read these books. Have we really sunk so low in our standards that this hideous excuse for literature could be considered entertainment? Must we dethrone the mighty Count Dracula and turn him into a glittery prettyboy? This must not stand. There is no good reason for anyone with an I.Q. of more than 20 to read Twilight. By the way, I do have a position in the great Team Edward/Team Jacob debate. I am Team Buffy. Think about it.
