Though my username is Doraemon2356, I have never ever seen the anime before.
I just chose the name cuz it was the first thing that came to mind. I regret that now.... But I'm ok with it :D
Now time to tell a bit about me:

1)I am a girl
2)I started anime In the 5th grade
3)I live in Hawaii (I might move this summer )
4)I just turned 13! So.... I lied about my age to sign up
(you can't stop a young otaku...)
5)I listen j-pop and stuff like that. Like Vocaloids and anime soundtracks
6)My friends say I'm funny-I don't think so though
7)My favorite non-anime show: I like Spongebob, Invader Zim, Chowder, Billy & Mandy, mostly Cartoon Network stuff :)
8)My favorite anie-CLANNAD FTW!!
9)Favorite food:Sashimi
10)Favorite color:Anything but Pink
11)Hobbies:Drawing,Reading,Playing/chatting with friends
12)Otaku Friends:momo357,rican gurl, yuri nanami,M36AN,MariDWL, Tonyhero101, Kaitofan101
13)Favorite Manga book: Hmm... There's so much good ones! (゚Д゚ )

?)I have a slight interest in yaoi too (except hard yaoi...That's too intense!)

My too watch/read list!
#)Soul Eater
#)Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni (I only seen clips)

An awesome pic


Hey you! Yeah you!
I GOTS ME SOME SOUL CANDY!!! You know from Bleach? I go Chappy and man is it minty! Minty and delicious! I gave it to everyone in my family! I was oringinally going to buy
Bleach Volume 3 but scince my Math teacher, yes teacher, said she will let me read some of hers, yes hers, so I decided to buy some Soul*Candy. Isn't my teacher like the awesomest? Here are some reasons why I say this:
1)She says smarticle and smarterst and smarticlest
2)If we get a hard question right or do our homework she gives us a mini salted pretzel
3)She watches 6TEEN
4)She owns Bleach books

