Though my username is Doraemon2356, I have never ever seen the anime before.
I just chose the name cuz it was the first thing that came to mind. I regret that now.... But I'm ok with it :D
Now time to tell a bit about me:

1)I am a girl
2)I started anime In the 5th grade
3)I live in Hawaii (I might move this summer )
4)I just turned 13! So.... I lied about my age to sign up
(you can't stop a young otaku...)
5)I listen j-pop and stuff like that. Like Vocaloids and anime soundtracks
6)My friends say I'm funny-I don't think so though
7)My favorite non-anime show: I like Spongebob, Invader Zim, Chowder, Billy & Mandy, mostly Cartoon Network stuff :)
8)My favorite anie-CLANNAD FTW!!
9)Favorite food:Sashimi
10)Favorite color:Anything but Pink
11)Hobbies:Drawing,Reading,Playing/chatting with friends
12)Otaku Friends:momo357,rican gurl, yuri nanami,M36AN,MariDWL, Tonyhero101, Kaitofan101
13)Favorite Manga book: Hmm... There's so much good ones! (゚Д゚ )

?)I have a slight interest in yaoi too (except hard yaoi...That's too intense!)

My too watch/read list!
#)Soul Eater
#)Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni (I only seen clips)

An awesome pic

Guest Posters

Wassup everyone? Do you know the answer to that question? It's the sky! Anyways, I'm letting, yes YOU Post on my WORLDS!!! So just Comment or PM me if you wanna post ok? !OK! CYA!
Please tell your friends abou this extravaganza!
