Ok.....Well, this is mostly me just complaining about my life, the universe and various boys, girls and Daynas at my school!! I think this is a blog - NOT a good thing - and will basically give out any boring information about my day...... Ok, byeee for now!!



I was reading a manga called Backstage Prince the other day and it got me thinking - how come manga are so predictable?

I mean, in shoujo romance manga, the heroine generally meets a guy in the first episode, who it's fairly obvious she'll end up with. And suuuuure, there'll be rivalry and obstacles and so on, but they'll always end up together. And I started thinking - what if they didn't? What if she got dumped and he ran off with the "beautiful childhood friend" - there always seems to be one of these as well - or she ran off with the "patient admirer" and he got dumped?

But then, it's like - wouldn't that just destroy your faith in love? Wouldn't you just give up? if they both ended up with different people - what would be the point of the whole story??

Sorry, I'm having a rant - I just needed to write this down!! Please comment on this if you have any ideas!!!


Wow, I just thought I'd put in a random post, I took a quiz on facebook and apparently my name is Sachiko. Just thought I'd let you know!!


Wow!!! I can use this!!!!

Thankyou soooooo much to DragonRider111 or Kaede-chan for all the help to a clearly blindotaku! That's all for now, just testing this out!!
