So good! Momiji rocks! Even though he doesn't have Tohru, he doesn't let it bring him down. Instead he says, "I'm gonna get the best girlfriend in the world, so I can show her off!" aww, Momiji-kun is so INCREDIBLY AWESOME!!!!
Oh, thank you! How sweet of you! :huggles: I do love's a bit more than a hobby at this point. ^^; So that's like the biggest compliment you can give me.
Thank you, Karmira, I'm really glad you like it. And I'm glad you got the feeling of it, I thought it seemed a little too bitter/angry for what I was trying to portray. but if you got it, than I guess it came through. your comment means a lot to me
The Dreamer (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/02/09 | Reply
Beautiful and simple like Momiji. Never angry but accepting his feelings, the good and the bad. This has to be one of my absolute favorites of yours. I almost cried. The words were simple, but the meaning behind them were anything but simple. Just like his bright smile.
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/05/10 | Reply
@Momiji Fangirl:
Aww, that's really sweet of you to say! (:
Momiji Fangirl
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/04/10 | Reply
Yes, I am! Your fan words are amazing!
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/02/10 | Reply
@Momiji Fangirl:
XD Haha, you're a Momiji fan to the end, aren't you?
Thank you very much. <3 Happy to please.
Momiji Fangirl
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 06/16/10 | Reply
So good! Momiji rocks! Even though he doesn't have Tohru, he doesn't let it bring him down. Instead he says, "I'm gonna get the best girlfriend in the world, so I can show her off!" aww, Momiji-kun is so INCREDIBLY AWESOME!!!!
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 09/02/09 | Reply
Oh, thank you! How sweet of you!
:huggles: I do love's a bit more than a hobby at this point. ^^; So that's like the biggest compliment you can give me. 
Otakuite+ | Posted 09/01/09 | Reply
this was so true! momiji felt sad but accepted his fate, and the artistry is like no other. you have a writer's voice!
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/22/09 | Reply
Thanks, I'm glad you think so! That's what I was aiming for.
A Diligent Sinner (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/22/09 | Reply
There's a slightly sadder side to Momiji, and you brought it out so very well!
Last edited by SinsofMidnight at 2:26:27 PM EDT on July 22, 2009.
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/02/09 | Reply
Thank you, Karmira, I'm really glad you like it.
And I'm glad you got the feeling of it, I thought it seemed a little too bitter/angry for what I was trying to portray. but if you got it, than I guess it came through. your comment means a lot to me
The Dreamer (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/02/09 | Reply
Beautiful and simple like Momiji. Never angry but accepting his feelings, the good and the bad. This has to be one of my absolute favorites of yours. I almost cried. The words were simple, but the meaning behind them were anything but simple. Just like his bright smile.