HIYA! As you can see this is my first post to this world! And I just wanted to say welcome to start off! So..... Welcome! I'm looking forward to posting a lot of cool stuff on here so look forward to it! Also this is still in progess and i willl trying to post on here when ever I get the chance. Feel free to poke around though if you want! Hope you like it!


Guess what?! I was just invited to 'The Lovely Ladies of MyOtaku'!!
I was told to post the banner so... her it is! x3

External Image

A Helpful Hand For All You New Comers ;D

Hi! I'm back! And i've decided to put a mini FAQ in case if you need help... finding the FAQ.... or questions about other topics, and you probably all understand what FAQ stands for but I will just put it anyways!
FAQ stands for...


So know you know! Here you can just ask what ever question comes to your mind! Unless if its like some random question, for example "What color is your underwear?" - -... not cool. Please feel free to ask, no need to be shy around me! And I'll do my best to answer your questions!

