HI everyone I am Cilla, (short for Priscilla) and I love words, music, drawing, movies, anime/manga, painting, and a ton of other stuff.
I will be writing on here and occasionally sharing my poetry or cool pics. I created this world to show the beauty in life and how sometimes our or my mistakes can become art or at least memorable.

I love to draw, paint and write and this is where I hope to express my feelings. So far my experience on theO has been very positive and Hopefully it continues that way. Any questions just ask and I'll be happy to answer them.

and with that, welcome to BEAUTIFUL MISUNDERSTANDINGS!

Grading my Life Meme (this should be interesting) ^_^

Stolen from Hifsa, thanks :)

[ ] You have a boyfriend/girlfriend.
[x] You have your own room.
[x] You own a cell phone.
[x] You have an mp3 player/ipod/discman.
[x] Your parents are still married.
[x] You love your family.
[ ] There is a pool/spa in your backyard.

T 0 T A L: 5

[x] You dress the way you want to.
[x] You hang out with friends more than once a week.
[x] There is a computer/ laptop in your room.
[ ] You have never been beaten up.
[x] You are allowed to listen to the music you want to.
[x] Your room is big enough for you.
[ ] People don't use you for something you have.
[x] You have been to the movies.

T 0 T A L: 11

[ ] You have over 500 friends on facebook. so close lol
[x] You have pictures on facebook.
[x] Your parents let you have a facebook.
[ ] You get allowance/loan.(sometimes)
[x] You collect something normal. manga and other books are normal right?
[x] You look forward to going to college
[x] You don't wish you were someone else.
[x] You play a sport.
[x] You want to do something after school/college

T 0 T A L: 18

[ ] You own a car/truck.
[x] You usually don't fight with your parent(s).
[ ] You have never got a failing grade on a report card in your life
[x] You have friends.
[x] You've never had a detention

T O T A L: 21

[x] You know what is going on in the world.
[x] You are happy with your life
[x] You usually aren't sick.
[ ] You know more than one language.
[x] You have a screen name.
[ ] You own a pet.
[x] You know the words to more than 5 songs.
[x] You don't have any enemies

T O T A L: 27

Total over all: 27

times it by 3 =

101%+: A+
90-100%: A
80-89%: B
70-79%: C
60-69%: D
00-59%: F

I have a B! Woo! =D That was fun!

External Image
