HI everyone I am Cilla, (short for Priscilla) and I love words, music, drawing, movies, anime/manga, painting, and a ton of other stuff.
I will be writing on here and occasionally sharing my poetry or cool pics. I created this world to show the beauty in life and how sometimes our or my mistakes can become art or at least memorable.

I love to draw, paint and write and this is where I hope to express my feelings. So far my experience on theO has been very positive and Hopefully it continues that way. Any questions just ask and I'll be happy to answer them.

and with that, welcome to BEAUTIFUL MISUNDERSTANDINGS!

Crazy/Fun Week!

This week I've been working with 3, 4, & 5 year old kids. They were the sweetest, and most high energy kids ever. This has been a great week & I am so tired. Been waking up early all week to help out. It's going to be sad next week, not having them in my class.

Yesterday was pretty great and I went to the lake for the afternoon. After watching the kids. Some of us girls, we threw each other off a floating dock. I've got so many bruises. I almost got away with no sunburn, however I missed a big spot on my arms and back. A little bit on my face too. Good time.

Tomorrow the plan is to go an amusement park, and I plan to ride every ride I can.
The faster the better!!
