HI everyone I am Cilla, (short for Priscilla) and I love words, music, drawing, movies, anime/manga, painting, and a ton of other stuff.
I will be writing on here and occasionally sharing my poetry or cool pics. I created this world to show the beauty in life and how sometimes our or my mistakes can become art or at least memorable.

I love to draw, paint and write and this is where I hope to express my feelings. So far my experience on theO has been very positive and Hopefully it continues that way. Any questions just ask and I'll be happy to answer them.

and with that, welcome to BEAUTIFUL MISUNDERSTANDINGS!

Thought this might be interesting..

So I have been crazy busy lately. I had an awesome birthday! Still looking for work got some writing done and have been busy just about everyday or night with stuff. I've been meaning to update this and I finally got some time today.

This meme is borrowed from Hifsa it looked entertaining.

[x] you own at least 5 black shirts
[x] you like skinny jeans
[x] you're listening to music right now
[x] you have painted your fingernails black before
[x] You have more than 300 songs on your ipod/mp3 (try over 3,000)
[ ] Have attempted suicide
[x] Like the color black
[ ] hate girly girls
[x] have kissed the same sex before
[x] Like to be alone
[ ] hate popular music
[ ] keep hair in front of your face
[ ] give people evil stares
[ ] Hate your parents or one of them
[ ] Life sucks for you right now
[ ] have been called emo
[ ] Dislike the colors pink, green, teal and baby blue
[x] own thick-rimmed glasses
[ ] Complain a lot
[x] own a studded belt. (I own 2)
Total: 10

[ ] own more than 10 minishorts
[ ] own more than 10 miniskirts
[x] have kissed more than 7 people
[ ] have been called a slut/gigolo/male-whore
[ ] drink a lot
[ ] You wear dark eye makeup
[x] wear low cut shirts
[ ] have been called a tease
[ ] Flirt with everyone
[ ] love the opposite sex
[ ] Go to parties/sleepovers at least once a week
[ ] wear tight clothing
[ ] own 5 tube tops
[x] you've kissed more than 2 guys/girls
[x] Like wearing swimsuits
[ ] Sit on the opposite sex's lap
[ ] People hate you
[ ] Its nice to be naughty
[ ] you cuss because you think its fun
Total: 4

[ ] own at least 5 jerseys
[ ] Have 10 or more trophies
[x] Wear hair up almost every day
[ ] Own 5 or more sweatpants
[x] Don't wear makeup
[ ] Have/had played lacrosse
[x] Play/played more than 2 sports
[x] Play sports
[x] Can play a sport if you've never played it before
[ ] On first string
[x] You play/played Tennis
[x] You play/played Basketball
[x] You play/played baseball-softball
[x] You play/played soccer
[ ] You run/ran track
[x] You play/played football
[ ] Been called a jock
[ ] Have set a record
[ ] Are friends with your coach
[x] Love watching sports
[ ]can do 17 push-ups in 20 seconds
Total: 10

PART FOUR (Doesn't apply to guys):
[ ] Own at least 5 polos
[ ] Own at least 5 pink shirts
[ ] Own at least 5 designer bags
[ ] Wear ribbons in you hair sometimes
[ ] Love pearls
[ ] Only like popular music
[ ] Read tons of magazines
[x] Love shopping
[ ] Go shopping usually once a week
[ ] Voted prom queen
[x] Have dated a jock
[x] Like attention
[ ] Always have your cellphone with you
[x] Have more than 50 contacts on your phone
[ ] More than 30 guy contacts
[ ] Hate emo people
[ ] Wear make up
[ ] Is stupid
[x] Wear heels
Total: 4

[ ] Wear your pants above your belly button
[x] Wear glasses/contacts
[ ] have/had braces
[ ] In/have been in advanced classes
[ ] On Math team
[x] Have all A's (for the past 2 years)
[ ] Have been called a nerd
[ ] Is bullied
[x] LOVE to learn
[x] Like your teachers (for the most part unless they are horrible)
[ ] Watch history channel
[ ] Never go anywhere on the weekends
[x] Have been called weird
[ ] Scared to talk to the opposite sex
[ ] Don’t have pictures of yourself on MySpace (don't have one anymore but I used to)
[x] Read a book a month in your leisure time (more than 1 a month I looove reading)
[x] You read on your last spring break
[ ] Have your own website
[ ] Wear pocket protectors
[ ] Done/does test corrections when you got above a 90 on it
[x] Did/does extra-credit when average is over an 85
[ ] Take notes on what the teachers tell you not to worry about.
Total: 8

[ ] like baggy/ long clothing
[ ] like to talk like a thug
[ ] you own gold/ silver chains
[ ] have a flat brimmed hat
[ ] like to wear a certain color because of a gang
[ ] you are in a gang
[ ] you mostly listen to rap music
[ ] you own clothes from lines such as ecko, sean john, g unit, 69, south pole, rasta, notorious
[ ] you have a nice sound system in your car
[ ] you never walk... you strut
[ ] you don’t like haters from rival gangs
[ ] you have a thug nickname
[ ] you hate emo people
[ ] you hate punk kids
[ ] you have made a gang
[ ] you can name more than 20 rappers
[ ] you can dance
[ ] you want to rap when you are older
[ ] you love turntables
[x] hate the punks that are in fake gangs.
Total: 1

If you haven't noticed The parts represent the 6 high school stereotypes
Part 1= Emo
Part 2= Slut/man whore
Part 3= Jock
Part 4= Girly (doesn't apply to guys)
Part 5= Nerd
Part 6= Thug
Multiply each number by 3 then repost as_ % Emo,_ % Slut, _ % Jock, _ % Girly, _ % Nerd, _ %Thug

Emo: 30%
Man-Whore: 12%
Jock: 30%
Girly: 12%
Nerd: 24%
Thug: 3%

wow I'm an emo-jock that is kind of hilarious!
