What's been going on lately

So as you've probably noticed I have been Answering questions lately and haven't said much about what has been going on at least currently in my life so this is what this post is dedicated to.

Let's see where to begin, I've been going to the gym about twice a week and am feeling really healthy. Been biking as much as possible, playing soccer XD and Ultimate Frisbee and doing very well. Last week I scored 2 points in Frisbee and one of them was the game winning point. At the gym I biked 5 miles in 20 minutes.

My dad had his birthday yesterday and that was cool. Last night my friend had her graduation from high school party, that was a ton fun.

Today my youngest brother played his last baseball game sadly they didn't win but they did well. Also my friend had a baby shower, I still can't believe she's having a baby!! Her due date is 2 days before my birthday so there's a chance He could born on mine and we would share birthdays!! How cool would that be! So that was most of my day.

I've been writing quite a bit in my latest project. It is for a young audience. I am having a good time writing for kids. Already I am on chapter 3! Right now I am reading Harry Potter for the first time and I really like it. I know I'm grown up "technically" but I hope I am always a kid at heart :)

Currently I am looking for a full time volunteer job hopefully working with children. I am finishing my resume currently.

Let's coming up next week my brother and my sister-in-law are coming up for the day. I have soccer Monday! Friends on Wednesday. Might see my crush that day too. A brother's birthday. Clothing Swab on Friday so I could be getting some good new to me clothes soon. Yay! LOL, I am so girly sometimes.

And then of course life is surprising so who knows what else I'll be up to.

Hope you are having a good weekend!
