HI everyone I am Cilla, (short for Priscilla) and I love words, music, drawing, movies, anime/manga, painting, and a ton of other stuff.
I will be writing on here and occasionally sharing my poetry or cool pics. I created this world to show the beauty in life and how sometimes our or my mistakes can become art or at least memorable.

I love to draw, paint and write and this is where I hope to express my feelings. So far my experience on theO has been very positive and Hopefully it continues that way. Any questions just ask and I'll be happy to answer them.

and with that, welcome to BEAUTIFUL MISUNDERSTANDINGS!

On the list-promoted!

Yay, I got promoted to Otakuite++!! ^_^
I am looking forward to posting challenges!

In other news still waiting on a phone call back from the christian school about the job. Hoping for the best!

Tonight I am going to one of my best friends late birthday party. My friend Debra and I have been planning this for about 2 weeks. The big surprise for my friend (the birthday lady) is that one of our friend's who moved away will be in town to celebrate with us!
Right now I am so excited! Gotta bake some brownies in a few for the party.

Have a wonderful day people!

This has been my week

This week school started for everyone in my family except for me.
I'm taking a semester of cause I was really burnt out last semester. However now that school has started I miss it.
Before school started on Monday there was a picnic for my family's church it went pretty well. I met some new people. The food was great. It was awesome seeing my best guy friend he's basically my big brother.
BTW I finally got some more written on my story!!

Wednesday I had lunch with the guy I used to like. We had sushi! So delicious. Then we walked around down town looking around the the shops. We got some books on sale. I love buying books especially when I don't have to pay full price. We had a great time. I can't wait to hang out with him again. Also I'm glad that we can be such good friends.

Yesterday was my parent's 27th anniversary! They were gone like all day celebrating. So I wasn't able to play Ultimate Frisbee sadly.
I can't wait til next Friday tho!

Today is another picnic. Can not wait I am so hungry. And either today or tomorrow two of my friends are getting married!! So awesome!

Tomorrow I start helping out with my churches youth group! I am so so so excited! I get to help with the middle-schoolers tomorrow night. Yay! I've wanted to help out with youth group for a couple years now, and it's finally happening!

So that's what's been going on with me. Still reading for the 4th Harry Potter book. I love it so far. And I ordered some comic books this weekend. Can't wait til the come in the mail. XD

Have a great weekend everyone!!

Artsy Stuff I've done lately

I did this painting one a while ago.

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This one I did this afternoon

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I know it's not the usual art you see on here but it's something I enjoy hopefully I'll have more poetry on here soon as well.

Been super busy lately sorry for not updating or posting. Hope you all are doing well.

What's been going on lately

So as you've probably noticed I have been Answering questions lately and haven't said much about what has been going on at least currently in my life so this is what this post is dedicated to.

Let's see where to begin, I've been going to the gym about twice a week and am feeling really healthy. Been biking as much as possible, playing soccer XD and Ultimate Frisbee and doing very well. Last week I scored 2 points in Frisbee and one of them was the game winning point. At the gym I biked 5 miles in 20 minutes.

My dad had his birthday yesterday and that was cool. Last night my friend had her graduation from high school party, that was a ton fun.

Today my youngest brother played his last baseball game sadly they didn't win but they did well. Also my friend had a baby shower, I still can't believe she's having a baby!! Her due date is 2 days before my birthday so there's a chance He could born on mine and we would share birthdays!! How cool would that be! So that was most of my day.

I've been writing quite a bit in my latest project. It is for a young audience. I am having a good time writing for kids. Already I am on chapter 3! Right now I am reading Harry Potter for the first time and I really like it. I know I'm grown up "technically" but I hope I am always a kid at heart :)

Currently I am looking for a full time volunteer job hopefully working with children. I am finishing my resume currently.

Let's coming up next week my brother and my sister-in-law are coming up for the day. I have soccer Monday! Friends on Wednesday. Might see my crush that day too. A brother's birthday. Clothing Swab on Friday so I could be getting some good new to me clothes soon. Yay! LOL, I am so girly sometimes.

And then of course life is surprising so who knows what else I'll be up to.

Hope you are having a good weekend!


Lately I haven't really written on here well, about what's going on with my life. I've written other stuff.

So it's update time!

Let's see where to pick up from I've been helping a mother out with her kids and that is always fun her kid loves me and I love her. Her younger brother is still at the stage where it is really hard for him to be in a room without his mom. The girls older brother had his last day of school yesterday so next time I help out I will get to watch the big bro and his sis, yay!
Yesterday the girl and I played outside and cleaned her room.

Monday was one of my favorite times this week so far, I played soccer for about 2 hours. The weather was a bit humid but it wasn't too bad. I LOVE Soccer so anytime I get to play it makes me happy.

Sunday I hung out with some new friends in the evening. Last Friday was Ultimate Frisbee night. I made a point! I still don't know how I held on to the Frisbee cause it was about to fall out of my hands. My team won a least two games. I think we lost one game, but the important thing was we all had fun.

Last night I hung with friends, tomorrow there might be Ultimate Frisbee if there isn't a storm. Then Saturday I going hiking with my new friends and we are having a cookout for dinner. It's going to be a good weekend no matter what happens. I have to make deviled eggs for a thing my sister is going to on Sunday. Looking forward to that cause it's been a while since I've made them. I haven't written anymore to my story yet but I plan too.

My friend suggested I become a substitute teacher and I am seriously considering it as a job in the fall. The only things I really need is a car and a job so I'm praying for them.

Lately I've been reading this really good book called The Eyre Affair, By Jasper Fforde. It's a really odd yet very interesting book. I have no idea how to describe it except it's a mystery and it's sort of si-fiish.

I hope all of you are doing well, looking forward to any and all comments
