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Furry-Chibi @ Est. 2006 External Image

Allow me to reintroduce myself!

| DOB: 11/25/93 [not a creep ^^;] | 16 years old | OTAKU LEGEND | Year of the Rooster | Sagittarius/Part Scorpius | Blood: AB+ | Asian [Chinese] | New York | Speaks Mandarin & English | Senior<3 [12th grade] | Violin | Marching Band | Procrastinator | Anime/Drama Lover | Asian Music<3 | Naruto | Black Cat | One Piece | Lots of Shoujo | Show Luo Is My Idol | More? Talk To Meh |
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Watashi wa Catherine desu, a.k.a. Furry-Chibi. Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu.

SHINee created one of the most eargasmic songs I've ever heard.

My WORLD is best viewed in a resolution that has a width of 1280 or more+.

I Thought Today Is My Lucky Day >_>

So I get the easiest question on my Regents wrong.! I am so pissed about that. This is suppose to be my lucky day man, I mean dude, that ain't cool. Also, this kid I've know since I was in elementary thinks my name is "Helen.".......... who the hell is Helen?? God. But this means that I only have one more regents and BAM; my school days officially end until next year! WOOOOOOOOOO! So I'm makin` plans for me and zee tomodachi'sz to chill one day. I think I sound pissed off and I am, but I'm more hyper right noww!~ nyu~ .... o.O I felt like making a cat sound. Well, I'm ch- ch- checkin` out & signin` off yoo! Peace!

P.S. I wrote this on the night of Thursday even though it says 6/20, the date of Friday. Thursday are my lucky days. Just wanted to make that clear. ^_^

Finals & Regents..... & Chillen` Out!

HIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!! I'm very bored. In New York, this week is finals and regents week. I finished my History final yesterday, my worst subject so, THANK GOD!! Today, I'm off so I'm happyy. =^_^= Well, I'm not off, it's not like I'm going to work. Haha. I just don't have any exams today. ANYWAYYYYYYYYSSS, tomorrow I have Math Regents.. GRREEATTTTT. But it's my best subject so I will definitely ace it. Then, this week I have Living Environment Regents. And then school will be officially over for me! ^_^

Well, I'm chillen out here and listening to my One Piece playlist! If you wanna listen to it, go to my imeem page by clicking here! I also have over 80 songs of Naruto, Full Moon, MR, Hikaru no Go, and Prince of Tennis! I'm gonna continue rock out by myself, ALL ALONEEEE. ^_^ ~Laughsszz~ Well, gotsz to go! Peaceee out!


Me and 9.tailed totally rocked out just now... on a Saturday night on the phone. Yup, we totally remixed songs that we were singin', rock and hip-hop. Oh yeahhhhh! And I'm super hyperrrrr!!!!! =^_^= ~Rocks Head~ This is so epic mann.! Well, my hyper-ness in a post won't last long. My hyper-ness screamin' into the phone is better. Soo peacee out people. Rock onn!!

School Is Almost Over!

I have only 6 days left of school!! Then finals.. then no moreee! Wooooo! I can't wait! I especially can't wait `til July. I get to go to D.C. with the marching band. It's gonna rock. These pass few days, I've been watching TV and haven't been on TheOtaku that much. But I am still aiming to update once in a while and more than I did on MyOtaku. I'm aiming to become a Senior Otaku before 2008 ends. I better become one or else I fail at life mannnn!

Right now, I feel like I have allergies but I don't. It's really irritating and annoying. -____-' ~Sighszzz~ I had a cold the pass week but I'm getting better. Blehhh. Next week will be the best week of the school year cuz it's gonna be my last week `til I'll become a sophomore in high school! Another year closer to going to China. So that's all I have to say for nowwww.

If you want anime music.... like Naruto, One Piece, TeniPuri, Full Moon... and others that I can't remember... oh yeah Hikaru no Go and MAR, then go to my imeem by clicking HEREEEEE! Thanks! Peaceeee!


So today is a Thursday, my lucky day of the week. It was pretty funny watching people in my school duck tape our assistant principal to the wall... and another teacher.. don't know him, hahah. But I went up and duck taped the assistant principal 2 times. Mwahahahahaha.! o.O Well, it was for a good cause and they volunteered so everyone was like "ohh mannnnn." *FLASH FLASH fLasH* Camera lights went on and off, it was crazy. Everyone was like, "man, lemme get a picture of that." I thought it was a pretty fun day.

I'm tired now. I feel like I should make another world.... an awesomely radical shrine about Naruto, cuz I'm cool like that.

I ain't just some other chick obsessed with Naruto. I've loved it before Naruto aired in US..... before it got overpopulated... so if I do or when I do, don't think, "oh woww another obsessed narutard." Haha, yeah I am obsessed. Blahhhhh. But not a fangirl, you can definitely trust me on that one! ^_^

HEY!!!! I finished watching Full Moon in three days... AGAINN!!! WOOO! LOVE THAT SERIES! n_n I watched the series for the second time but I repeatedly watched some of the episodes. It makes you overflow with tears, not just sad ones but happy ones. Mann, love that anime.

Gonna go chilllllaxin' around the house now. Get a drink of water and take my medicine since I gotz a cold, and talk to people on the phone. Peaceeee!