Hi, I'm Dranzerstorm

Welcome to the Video Game & Music Lounge

This world is dedicated to Video Games and Music as I'll be showcasing the following.

Video Game Reviews set to the same tones as Retro Retrospective's Anime Reviews
Music reviews of Anime Openings & Closings
Western Cartoon music
Vocaloid Classics.
We may even have some Top Tens
I hope this World entertains you.

Top 10 Games with No Morality

Following directly from the last list, lets look at the games that have no morality.

Honorable Mentions
Final Fight - You'd think being a professional wrestler would clean up Metro City but it doesn't, but at least there's an attempt to stop it.
Duke Nukem - He's a product of his time, he can get away with his misogyny in the 90s but these days it's vulgar and not wanted in this day and age.
Saints Row - Your a criminal anyway but some of the crazy stuff that happens in this Grand Theft Auto clone are too crazy to be real sometimes.

10. Mortal Kombat
Although this is standard for a lot of fighting games, Mortal Kombat features actual graphic killing so it represents pretty much all fighting games attitudes in general, story or not, the object is to kill your opponent and the more gory the better.

9. Shadow the Hedgehog
Any one playing this game will do the same thing, just rush to the end of the stage, the fact that this game makes you play it ten times minimum just to see which morality you'll take only for the final story to suck all the fun out of judging for yourself what path Shadow should take.

8. Watch Dogs
Your a genius hacker and you want to take revenge on the syndicate that killed your loved ones, what do you do? Destroy the lives of innocent people by using them as collateral to take your revenge, bonus points to the game company for trying to bribe reviewers with gifts for decent scores.

7. X-Blades
Your not supposed to use dark magic, it gives you the bad ending, thanks a bunch because a) Completing this crap game requires dark magic, b) the lead character is such a bitch that I can't see a benevolent bone in her body and c) I utterly refuse to play the entire game again just for the good ending.

6. Prototype
Why tell me not to kill civilians when they restore your health and provide you with disguises for killing them, which proves crucial in completing this game without dying.

5. Bulletstorm
Your drunken exploits got most of your crew killed, you avenge them by still being drunk and trigger happy to the very end. Even the worst pirates aren't that bad.

4. Kirby
You devour everyone and everything in your endless stomach even if they look like the most harmless creatures in the world, Kirby is a monster puff ball not a star warrior.

3. Fable
You can be good or evil but being evil is just easier, ruling with tyranny and fear doesn't punish you at all and you even get achievements for it.

2. Pokemon Black & White
Team Plasma logic: "Fighting with Pokemon is wrong, your using Pokemon for violence every time you use them in battle. So we'll use Pokemon to fight for this cause" yeah you get the picture it's just hypocrisy.

1. Tomodachi Life
Yet the most selfish jerks in the gaming world are the Tomodachi Mii's. They demand everything, get into domestics over stupid things and break up relationships as if it was nothing. Out of the blue a Mii would just destroy it's own relationship with no reason why despite you telling them otherwise. How does Nintendo sleep at night?
