Hi, I'm Dranzerstorm

Welcome to the Video Game & Music Lounge

This world is dedicated to Video Games and Music as I'll be showcasing the following.

Video Game Reviews set to the same tones as Retro Retrospective's Anime Reviews
Music reviews of Anime Openings & Closings
Western Cartoon music
Vocaloid Classics.
We may even have some Top Tens
I hope this World entertains you.

Top 10 Video Game Franchises Still Going When They Should've Ended

To survive the Video Game market, you need to be the likes of Mario, Sonic, Halo and so on but not everyone can make it, however through sheer tenacity despite not really being mainstream, some still survive against all odds, these ten franchises prove it.
Some ground rules first, the franchise must have a game released on a current generation console or plan to release a game on one in the next year.
Has to have been released in the west.
Also no reboots or compilation packs or spiritual successors.
This list is in order of franchise age.

10. Shantae-2002
The youngest entry on this list, Shantae started on the Gameboy Colour but shot to better acclaim on future consoles in Nintendo evolving perfectly from it's early 2000 era to it's spunky anime design now.

9. Dynasty Warriors-1997
You could argue that Romance of the Three Kingdoms game is older and they'd be right but I've no proof that any of that franchise made it to the west meanwhile Dynasty Warriors hack n slash effort shows no sign of stopping, still bringing the camp.

8. Sakura Wars-1996
Assumed lost among Sega's growing pile of ended franchises only to make a surprise comeback this year with a new instalment headed by Bleach artist Tite Kubo. Honourable mentions to Shenmue and Streets of Rage building a mini Sega comeback.

7. Harvest Moon-1996
Assumed dead after Stardew Valley appeared, it's still going along with it's expansions now dubbed the Story of Seasons franchise but still very much Harvest Moon.

6. Soul Calibur-1995
Another series assumed dead especially after number 5's poor showing and for many years falling out of favour in competitive fighting games but comes back with a sixth instalment back to normal and back among it's peers, honourable mention to SNKs fighting franchises.

5. Jikkyo Powerful Pro Baseball-1994
Despite being a Konami title and largely unknown in the west (did get some release in the west) it's actually one of the best selling sports games of all time sitting short of 21 Million sold.

4. Puyo Pop-1991
With Tetris still hanging around as top puzzler and under pressure from mobile games making big cash off a similar style of colour matching puzzles, it comes as a shock when Puyo Pop returned as an Esports ready title.

3. Leisure Suit Larry-1987
I am shocked this franchise is still going, it's the biggest load of trash you'll ever play with each game being rated abysmally low and is about as out of touch with Modern Values as a senile grandparent. Guess sex still sells.

2. Dragon Quest-1986
Quietly keeps going while Final Fantasy gets all the applause and will likely keep going as long as Akira Toriyama is still going.

1. Kunio Kun-1986
I bet you are wondering what Kunio Kun is?
Well to list a few titles in Western form include Renegade, River City Ransom, plenty of old Nintendo sports titles including Super Dodgeball. Kunio Kun can be credited with popularizing the good hearted delinquent type, he already looks like Kuwabara from Yu Yu Hakusho. But more recently the River City Girls game has appeared along with a planned Kunio game for next year. I only knew about this franchise this year and it's the same age as me.
