Hi, I'm Dranzerstorm

Welcome to the Video Game & Music Lounge

This world is dedicated to Video Games and Music as I'll be showcasing the following.

Video Game Reviews set to the same tones as Retro Retrospective's Anime Reviews
Music reviews of Anime Openings & Closings
Western Cartoon music
Vocaloid Classics.
We may even have some Top Tens
I hope this World entertains you.

Tribute List: Forgotten Mascots of Video Games

This originally started as a top ten but has now become a tribute list. While the likes of Mario, Sonic and Spyro (Damn you Skylanders) still manage to stay around many of their contemporaries fell by the wayside, this is my tribute to them....

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Top 10 Strangest Fighting Game Characters

Wow, a second post in a row and it's a top ten list. Yes I'm feeling okay.
Now this list looks at those fighting game characters that just seem odd. To put into context when your fighting game is packed full of the deadly serious, there's always at least one character that reminds you it's just a game.
These are the Top Ten Strangest Fighting Game Characters.
Honorable Mentions
Necro from Street Fighter III
An escaped stretchy experiment that can sing some decent opera.
Kankichi Ryotsu from J-Stars Victory Vs
Apparently a regular 30 something Japanese Police Officer can fight alongside Goku, Naruto, Ichigo & Luffy and beat them.
Fat Princess from Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale
Because PaRappa the Rapper wasn't quite a joke character.

10. Meat from Mortal Kombat
While it may not seem all that shocking to fight a fleshy corpse in a game that defined fatalities, it's still hilarious what Mortal Kombat comes up with for fighting character ideas that isn't a palette swap ninja.

9. Arale from Dragonballz: Budokai Tenkaichi 3
First off Arale isn't really a Dragonballz character, although she's same artist and did appear in a couple of episodes she really shouldn't be there especially with such a lousy move pool which consists of blindly charging into things.

8. Duck Hunt Dog from Super Smash Bros Wii U & 3DS
You could make a hundred different predictions for characters in Smash Bros but I bet no one expected the Duck Hunt Dog. To describe Duck Hunt as a fighter, it's the dog alongside a duck backed up by gunman. In fact much of his move set is avoiding gun fire.

7. Voldo from Soul Calibur
He's been a staple of the series since Soul Edge, the ever loyal servant Voldo, still clads himself in bondage gear as he continues to belt up his mouth and eyes, even if you customize him with hair, he'll always have covered eyes and mouth. And his moveset is still creepy not helped by his heavy breathing.

6. Phoenix Wright from Marvel vs Capcom 3
He was pretty much placed in as a joke character but if used properly he can silence everyone by sneezing on them, sending in Maya Fey to flay her arms about and presenting hard evidence. Then again this game also has Rocket Raccoon and Deadpool so strange characters aren't unusual.

5. Akamaru from Naruto
Kiba's puppy from Naruto Pre Timeskip, fighting on it's own with nothing but it's own pee and literally just launching itself into the other ninjas, imagine the amount of characters overlooked to put this puppy in.

4. Roger Jr from Tekken
Tekken has lots of these but I went for Roger Jr as it offers two boxing kangeroos for the price of one as Jr fights inside his mother's pouch.

3. Eko from Arcana Heart
Eko is a kindergartener whose fighting partner is her own drawing that comes alive which can turn into many things including trains, castles and paddling pools. It's utterly adorable in a game packed with some lethal ladies.

2. Ushi from Fighters Destiny
Nintendo 64 game Fighters Destiny took a different approach to what Tekken tried with Roger by using a fighting cow named Ushi. Apart from being one of the best characters in the game, it has an awesome victory dance.

1. Pojo from Mace: The Dark Age
Midway worked on a weapon based fighting game called Mace: The Dark Age which had Mortal Kombat's violence crossed with Soul Edge weapon fighting set in medieval times. The character Pojo is a Chicken, not a giant chicken but a normal sized one, all it does is peck you to death, definitely the lowest a fighting game has ever sank but made slightly better when you realize that Pojo is small enough to avoid most of the other characters attacks and can pretty much win the game no problem. He's the Oddjob of the Fighting Game world.