Hi, I'm Dranzerstorm

Welcome to the Video Game & Music Lounge

This world is dedicated to Video Games and Music as I'll be showcasing the following.

Video Game Reviews set to the same tones as Retro Retrospective's Anime Reviews
Music reviews of Anime Openings & Closings
Western Cartoon music
Vocaloid Classics.
We may even have some Top Tens
I hope this World entertains you.

Games Jukebox - Lemmings

It seems appropriate to end our little trip through gaming nostalgia than a game where you have to guide little people away from doom.

Released in 1991, Lemmings is a strategy game where you have to guide green haired little creatures dressed in blue to their homes all while avoiding certain doom by giving them skills such as digging, building and even exploding.

Real Lemmings don't have suicidal tendencies, that was a myth spun by Disney and the fact that they are extremely popular prey for predators.

Pleasant public domain music
Addictive gameplay will keep you going
Fun colourful backgrounds
Decent challenge

Bit slow
Bit awkward with gamepads and buttons
Easy to create Lemming fireworks than actual game progress

The game almost has as many ports as the original Tetris, a simple idea with great execution.

Games Jukebox - Bulletstorm

The 360 and PS3 era showed us a glimpse of what the trends were becoming, nothing but shooters, so standing out was the key to being remembered.

Released in 2011, Bulletstorm is an FPS with emphasis on style as it gives you over hundred ways to kill your enemy and keeps score, the tone matching other high octane classics like Duke Nukem and Serious Sam.
You play Grayson the leader of a former black ops team who seeks out revenge on his commander for being framed for war crimes, in a drunken rage, Grayson attacks his former commander only to be stranded on an unknown planet with most of his crew dead. Upon meeting another Black ops soldier, Grayson acquires a special leash for yeeting enemies and blasting them to bits.

Speaking of Duke Nukem, he turns up in the remaster.

Amazing how much you can do when you get creative with the genre
Game has a balanced difficulty
Works well with the edgy humour
Genuinely fun to play if only to experiment and achieve every skill shot

Missed a chance for a decent multiplayer
Hard to see myself playing it again after completion
Way too easy to mix up controls during skill shots

Among other FPS games, it stands out yet still can't surpass the main players like Call of Duty, yet I feel that in the end this title will be remembered for reminding us to have fun.

Magic Moments: Video Game Cooking

Welcome to the first episode of a new series called Magic Moments, this will be spread across medias with video game moments here and anime and cartoons on Retro Retrospective.
The format will be four moments per episode showcasing a moment relating to the theme, so we start with cooking.

El Fuerte's Super Dynamic Cooking Time!!!
Whether you consider El Fuerte's special form of cooking to be good or bad is in the eyes of the many Street Fighters he feeds after defeating them; while not a popular character to select you can't help but feel good when you see his famous chant Super Dynamic Cooking Time!!! Which would get you pumped to make a nice chilli.

Cooking Mama Will Fix It For You
Nintendo has a way of helping you out in the basics and Cooking Mama was a unique way of doing that using the Nintendo DS' features to learn chopping, mixing and not over cooking, not good if you have a faulty touchscreen but watching Angry Mama more than makes up for it.

Cheap Cheap The Cooking Chicken's Rap
PaRappa the Rapper is one oddball of a game but I think the best way to describe this one is with youtube.

You know if other cooking programs did this it might give rapping more credit.

Cook Kirby's Hot Pot
Before Kirby traded his hot pot for a giant sword, he used to cook up his opponents in Smash Bros Brawl, this was taken from his main series games where he takes all his enemies and turns them into food, although considering this puff ball eats anything and everything it makes me wonder if he really has taste buds at all.

Tribute List: Forgotten Mascots of Video Games

This originally started as a top ten but has now become a tribute list. While the likes of Mario, Sonic and Spyro (Damn you Skylanders) still manage to stay around many of their contemporaries fell by the wayside, this is my tribute to them....

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