WTF am I Playing - Episode 2 - Canadian Detectives, Wimpy Bards and a Dead Family Walking

Expect a few episodes of this to drop over the next few weeks.


Set in 1970 in the harshest of winters in Canada, you play as Detective Carl as he attempts to solve the mystery behind murders in a far off town in the Frozen North while also surviving the harsh environment, setup like a survival horror but plays like a thriller, unfortunately my experience was less gritty Canadian Detective more ragdoll physics as I encountered a glitch that yeeted me somewhere north of Saskatchewan ruining any progress I'd made up to that point.
C-Tier Game.

A cartoon like RPG about a Bard who saves the world through singing but he has the attitude of a child who wouldn't eat his vegetables, the narrative attempts to paint the typical justice hero as a sociopath while the wimpy bard is treated like the hero we should all support yet he's drawn like a gingerbread man, I would be much kinder except it added a level select cheat that lets you cheese all the achievements making the whole story redundant.
D-Tier Game.

What Remains of Edith Finch
A point and click story game where title character Edith Finch recounts all the deaths of her entire family from their emigration from Norway to being an abandoned house in present day USA, each story bringing a sinister atmosphere as the reaper gets creative with how it kills each family member, although you never see the gruesome deaths, it still proves to be very unsettling and outright upsetting, it's video game story telling at it's finest.
S-Tier Game.
