WTF am I Playing - Episode 5 - Low Effort Puzzles, Mental Health Awareness and Dating Your Grandma

Being an achievement hunter is easy.
Playing games out of your comfort zone is much harder.

Puzzle games are piss easy to make, all you have to do is raid your toddler's toy box of colour and shape matching blocks and you have an idea, that's the mentality that went into making Hyperdot, all you have to do is move a dot around a limited space while avoiding murderous geometric shapes, Geometry Wars at least came with epilepsy.
D-Tier Game.

Fractured Minds
Fractured Minds goes through an interactive first person perspective of various real life scenarios and how they are warped through mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety, isolation and paranoia. Of all the games I've played, it never felt right that this game had achievements, the idea was always to raise awareness of an issue that sadly isn't getting any better today.
A-Tier Game

A Winter's Daydream

At least were ending on something weird.
19 year old Yuu visits his grandmother for Christmas, while she reminisces about how she met her recently dearly departed husband, she awakes next morning as a younger woman the same age as her grandson, things get weird as they spend the day together and the reactions which include an awkward exchange with Yuu's sister are what you can expect from a company with a loose understanding of how visual novels work, at the very least they nail the ending with the grandmother giving her final goodbyes to her lost husband.
D-Tier Game
