WTF am I Playing - Episode 9 - Gun Fetish, Asshole Rainclouds and Neighbours

Were starting to get into the weird and wonderful, although you would probably find something weird among the previous episodes.

Enter the Gungeon
Roguelike is another word you'll hear often, Enter the Gungeon takes one of four characters, Marine, Convict, Hunter, or Pilot into a dungeon of enemies shaped liked bullets and huge towering enemies with giant gatling guns among other BFGs, the game can be quite hard and the permadeath start from scratch approach doesn't exactly inspire replayability.
B-Tier Game

Rain on Your Parade

You play a Cloud who wants to rain on everyone with great happiness being such an ass hole, everything from ruining a wedding to recreating movie and video game parodies, there's even a level where you don't move, I file this one under the same category as Donut County.
B-Tier Game

The Garden's Between
Another genre that will appear frequently are the story driven games that are rather abstract but strangely beautiful. Taking place in a backyard treehouse, two friends Arina and Frendt reminisces about their life as neighbours with the treehouse being the centrepiece and much of their activities forming the puzzles you need to complete each level with constellations painting out the relationship between the friends.
A-Tier Game
