WTF am I Playing - Episode 11 - Virtua Racing, Headcannon and Delivery Weebles

Were looking this week at the starter pack for any good gamepass title, a spiritual successor, a roguelike and a physics simulator.

Hotshot Racing

If there was any game that came the closest to reaching the peak of spiritual successor, it's Hotshot Racing, very much like Virtua Racing, Hotshot Racing has everything a spiritual successor needs, polygons, woefully late 90s early 00s inspired characters and difficulty levels that go from easy to inhumane, definitely worth a go.
A-Tier Game

Dead Cells
Roguelikes depending on your approach can either be not worth the struggle or a journey of self improvement through constant defeat, Dead Cells walks a deadly tightrope as you take the immortal head of a prisoner and borrow one of the many corpses piled up in the prison on your journey, success leads to freedom, death will have you start again with another corpse needing to be used up, it's certainly one of the better ones.
B-Tier Game

Totally Reliable Delivery Service
The physics games are nerdy titles that have you perform all sorts of tasks in a sandbox environment while awkwardly controlling your character with constant noodle like arms and ragdoll physics, in Totally Reliable Delivery Service, you have to make deliveries to various parts of the map while also controlling a number of vehicles as the map doesn't allow you to cheese the deliveries by walking due to time limit or impassable obstacles that need planes or boats; this makes an already stressful game about controlling weeble like characters an absolute chore to complete, no wonder Amazon courier drivers are constantly miserable.
D-Tier Game
