WTF am I Playing - Special - Anything Goes Simulators

If there is any game genre that has defined how off the wall achievement hunting can get, it's the simulator games and these are three of the most bonkers.

Space Warlord Organ Trading Simulator
With all the integrity of a late 80s stock brokers computer, Space Warlord Organ Trading Simulator has you play as the butcher trying to make a business out of the removed organs of the endless supply of dead aliens during an intergalactic dictatorship, quite off the wall choice for a gamepass title that you can play on an Amiga.
C-Tier Game

Placid Plastic Duck Simulator

Inspired by the 1992 Friendly Floatees spill where thousands of children's bath toys including ducks broke free from a container ship in the Pacific Ocean during a storm, the incident becoming an accidental experiment as the indestructible and buoyant nature of their design meant they could provide a better read on Ocean currents with the last known sighting as late as 2017.
That's nice and all but how does this game work? Well you sit in the corner and look at the plastic ducks as they spawn in at set intervals in a pool that infinitely loops providing the ducks aren't kicked out of the pool and into the unknown, the best you can do is sit back relax to the Lo-Fi beats and make the ducks quack every so often.
That's not a game, it's an expensive novelty screensaver.
B-Tier Game

Powerwash Simulator
Imagine in the height of a heatwave, you're struggling to come up with any motivation to play anything because any movement even fingers will add to the endless pints of sweat, then you see a game where all you do is clean vehicles and buildings with a Powerwasher, you instantly start feeling yourself cooling down as you witness endless jets of cold water spraying from your hose, the phenomenon called temperature contagion is triggered by seeing an image that makes your brain think it's hotter or colder than it really is, because of how long the heatwave was and how much the game triggered my OCD, I found myself completing every task even long after I had 100% the achievements.
To give you an idea of how addictive the game can get, the world record for playing continuously is 24 hours 6 minutes.
It still baffles my friends how much time I put into this game while all those superior triple A titles remain ignored.
A-Tier Game
