WTF am I Playing - Episode 13 - Hindu Mythology, Cooking Mama India and Horny Bisexuals

All of today's titles take a page from the country of India.

Raji An Ancient Epic
We start with a title right at home among games like Assassins Creed, Prince of Persia and Shadow of the Colossus, Raji incorporates Hindu mythology and takes inspiration from epics such as the Mahabharata and Ramayana, with an art style of Pahari paintings, taking it's landscapes from medieval Rajasthan, a large region of India, a lot of effort went into this game and it shows taking you on an epic quest through some of the best stories in Hinduism. The gameplay plays equally as smooth.
A-Tier Game

Taking it's main inspiration from Tamil culture and South Indian cuisine, Venba presents a cooking sim played through 30 years of the life of an immigrant Indian family who move to Toronto Canada from Tamil Nadu, starting in 1988 with the birth of Venba's son Kavin, through an old set of recipes you are taken through a journey of family connections through cooking, despite going through 30 years with the family you only really get 30 minutes of game, we don't get enough time to really connect to this family clearly going through the trials and tribulations of being an immigrant in a foreign country, were forced to fill in the gaps of why certain events happen to Venba, this just leaves the game a bit empty.
D-Tier Game

Thristy Suitors

A title like this is just asking for a piss take.
We have a popular South Asian film in the UK called Bend It Like Beckham where the main character breaks free of the chains laid down by her family's heritage and becomes a soccer star, this is not that film, in fact it's closest comparison is Scott Pilgrim as Jala is forced to confront her ex-lovers one by one in turn based RPG battles, among cooking mini games and bare bones basic skateboarding. The game wears it's bisexual themes like a medal but Jala and the cast are some of the most toxic ass holes ever written in gaming as everything Jala says and does, comes across as really manipulative in both her dialogue and actions, I barely got through the tutorial of this game without vomiting, Boyfriend Dungeon is better than this and that is so low of a bar to crosd it's practically buried in the ground.
Trash Tier Game
