WTF am I Playing - Episode 15 - Amiga Dwarfs, Silhouette Operas and Among Us Winter Edition

All of today's game have one thing in common, I barely passed the first stage in any of them through three different reasons, trust me that for two of them, you couldn't make it up.

Radioactive Dwarfs: Evil From The Sewers
You play a red dressed heroine in finding your brother while fighting Radioactive Dwarfs in the sewer, the game looks like it came from the Amiga era with the gameplay to match and looks fairly competent, only one problem though; this currently holds the world record for fastest 1000G at an astonishing 20 seconds because triggering the secret ending unlocks all the achievements, how do you do this? At the start of the game, try and leave the sewers, the heroine says feck this and leaves triggering all the achievements.
D-Tier Game

The King's Bird

There's a type of theatre told entirely through silhouettes with no voices but just the music conveying the scenes being witnessed, The King's Bird plays exactly like this with gameplay reminiscent of Celeste but with a 2D gliding mechanic, unfortunately it's just as hard as Celeste but while Celeste had a clear objective with a story that is understood and universally relatable to anyone with mental health problems, King's Bird has you guessing all the time of it's themes and where you are supposed to be in game, it's not infinitely clear if you've even completed the first area, so I ended up dropping it.
D-Tier Game

Project Winter
Hoping to bring in the expanding Among Us crowd, Project Winter was meant to be the grown up version that sees a group of mountaineers survive the harsh environment while one of the group tries to sabotage and kill the others, unfortunately my one attempt at playing it, I suffered from hallucinations moments before joining my friends, barely remembering if I even did anything in the game, it was honestly quite surreal and quite terrifying, I would never touch it again. From what my friends told me, they felt that the game needed too much just to start a session and wasn't worth it, by extension it also killed the hype we initially all had for Among Us.
D-Tier Game
