WTF am I Playing - Special - Top Down Gear

The top down race genre found it's way back into modern gaming through the medium of indie titles and today's three titles remind you of those days where physics can often kick your ass.

Absolute Drift
Funselektor Labs made the master piece that is Art of Rally but their first attempt at the racing genre in Absolute Drift is an example of major baby steps, drifting is the most difficult mechanic to get right that even triple racers struggle with and Absolute Drift is pretty dreadful with this mechanic, thankfully the game is merciful and let's you practice open world as many times as you like, you'll find out very quickly how out of practice you really are, especially if you used to play Micro Machines in your childhood.
C-Tier Game

Super Woden GP

They clearly wanted to make a Rally game as the mechanics seem better suited for offroad than traditional circuit racing, for a game that is part of the all achievements offered for cheap class of games, the difficulty curve is pretty high as the difference between winning and losing is judging one corner wrong, it's a nice balance that almost justifies the 3000G score on offer.
B-Tier Game

Circuit Superstars
I've never known a game that has pissed me off more than Circuit Superstars, the sad thing is, it's actually pretty good as a game but the developers really messed up big time over the time it's been out, everything from the game not starting to not loading saves properly to completely locking me out of content I had already completed; but what bothers me most of all is the ego, early on they brought in Top Gear as a selling point as well as an exclusive list of real racing pros setting times on the Top Gear Test Track.
They are as follows.
Romain Grosjean - Former F1 now Indy Car
Sam Bird - Formula E
Jimmy Broadbent - Racing game genres most well known personality.
Lando Norris - Formula 1
Conor Daly - Indy Car and Nascar
Charlie Martin - Endurance Racing GT
Catie Munnings - Rallying
Jamie Chadwick - Indy NXT
Those are the ones I know of and I'm faster than Conor, Charlie, Catie and Jamie.
Another thing I hate is how long it thinks I want to race, an online race can go on longer than a Project Cars race with anywhere between 10 and 20 laps per race with qualifying, I can complete a Mario Kart four race session with load screens and lobbies included faster than one online race in this.
Least the music is good.
C-Tier for the game, massive F-You Tier for the developers.
