WTF am I Playing - Episode 18 - Super Hang On, All Terrain and We Get It You're Brazilian

All racing games today.

Super Night Riders

Way back in 2016 was the release of Super Night Riders, the game got a full on remake for 2023 but the first build of the game is designed like Sega arcade racer Hang On and Super Hang On, a little too much like the Hang On series but still has that addictive try again appeal. The developers Neko.Works even congratulated me for clearing the hardest course, this is why I generally prefer indie developers, they are so much more polite and nice to their consumers.
B-Tier Game

An unconventional racing game from the lunatic department within Codemasters, using a team of six rough riding off road vehicles, your objective is not to win by crossing a finish line but by acquiring enough points in any of the game modes as a team using any means possible, crashing is common place as you get rewarded for taking out other drivers with special abilities, but this way of driving has two issues, the first is that your car can feel like it's made of paper as a light tap is enough to be eliminated, the AI will always be built stronger than you, even if you activate super mode, the AI will counter it perfectly, the second issue is that you are heavily reliant on the AI to help you win, doesn't matter if you are MVP, the game decides when you win and lose. Codemasters lunatic department was curtailed when EA took over so this game was quietly removed making any progress impossible.
B-Tier Game

Horizon Chase Turbo
Brazilians love retro gaming, this can happen when old console generations run way longer in other parts of the world, so much of this love went into Horizon Chase Turbo, a spiritual successor to Snes game Top Gear, going as far as hiring the original composer to score the music, the game itself runs fast and frantic with a fair degree of difficulty sloted in for good measure and plenty of reminders that the team are Brazilian with Ayrton Senna DLC.
A-Tier Game
