WTF am I Playing - Episode 20 - Frog Detective, Epilepsy and the Game That Made Me Stop

I think it's time to bring up the game that made me quit achievement hunting, it's the third entry on this post.

Frog Detective

You play as the 2nd best detective, Frog Detective as you solve G rated mysteries with a side of sass and salt, I'm probably more shocked that this isn't a children's book first as creator Grace Bruxnor could easily pass as a children's author, daft and clearly self aware this game made me smile the most.
A-Tier Game

Project Starship Series
Leave it to East Asiasoft to make a space shooter that gives you epilepsy, I kind of admire how amateur the game is designed as it adds to the crappy charm with it's crayon drawn graphics and paint splat direction the art went, kinda makes the sequel all the more polished when all the money made from the achievement hunters can give the developers a decent art program, I expect next gen graphics higher than Cyberpunk for the 3rd game please.
C-Tier Game for both titles.

Beautiful Sakura Surfing Club
This is the game that made me stop, not the 5000G cheap games, not the press start to wins and certainly not the powerwash simulators, it's this visual novel. Normally I don't mind a visual novel as for every bad one I find I can usually get a more beautiful story about 1 out of 5 attempts but this really is the worst game I've ever played, simply put, you are a high school kid choosing between two sisters, the surfing club element is non existent and it has the audacity to end on a cliff hanger and expect a sequel for a game that can be 100% in less than 3 minutes, even if I paid attention to the story, It would barely register as an episode length of a sitcom, I'm glad I pay with reward scheme money as the price tag is insulting at well over $10, I regret ever having played this game and I made my frustration clear on the official review of it on XBox, it was shit enough to make me stop.
Trash-Tier-Absolute Rotten Piece of Shit of a Game.
