WTF am I Playing - Episode 22 - Car Soccer, Cat Toys and Amazon Are The Bad Guys?

We're going from all levels of popularity today.

Rocket League
The only pro game I'm actually half decent at, Rocket League is what you get when you have to go both to soccer and RC racing club at the same time and discover a new sport; you have five minutes to win a match literally throwing your car around the arena to score a goal and win, simple and easy to pick up, somewhat chaotic thanks to a free to play format, due to it being a multiplayer title and a game that relies heavily on team work to win, there's more luck involved in finding players who will work together long enough to win rather than just drive into you for shits and giggles or try and steal all the glory, there's also the fact that it's too easy to quit a match, I'm also not a fan of epic games free to play model.
B-Tier Game

Sissa's Path
Despite the crappy title, Sissa's Path is just a simple puzzle game of moving and sorting cat toys, maybe because it's my weird way of thinking but I managed to clear every puzzle unaided, the game is balanced the same as every other puzzle game of it's type and can easily be played on a rainy day.
C-Tier Game

Going Under

You play Jackie Fiasco in a roguelike beat em up mirroring Power Stone style gameplay where you start as an intern and fight your way to the top to save your colleagues from turning into monsters following termination by the parent company that is basically Amazon, come on, the final boss is Jeff Bezos!
Other than being an unsubtle dig at Amazon in a world not too out of place in old Nicktoon Doug, you get to see the other businesses based on other failed ventures including Dating apps, Crypto schemes and Zero contract employment schemes.
Fun if you enjoy Power Stone and immensely satisfying for any adult who's had history with any of the enemy businesses, definitely worth a shot.
A-Tier Game
