WTF am I Playing - Episode 24 - Space Harrier By Queen, Murderous Cinderella and A Not So Short Hike

A good mix of unique games today.

Air Twister
Think of Space Harrier but give it the soundtrack of a Queen rock opera and make it your best selling feature and you get Air Twister, it plays pretty much the same as Space Harrier but your character is female and you ride animals in boss battles, the aesthetic is amazing and the soundtrack more than makes up for the lack of replay ability and you'll certainly replay this game alot to 100% it.
B-Tier Game


Imagine the Cinderella fairy tale but Cinderella was self aware of her abuse and actively did something about it whether it be sinister or just clever is up to the decisions you make in this visual novel with plenty of ways to reach the top of the Kingdom, you can marry the Prince or run away with the Guard Captain, you can murder your step mother or have her join you at the top, you can rule the Kingdom or get put to death, it's an interesting take on what is usually a very safe heartwarming story of romance over adversity.
B-Tier Game

A Short Hike
You play as a bird named Claire who has been brought to Hawk Peak Provincial Park where you can explore to your hearts content with the extensive PS1 graphics, you need a mobile phone signal and the only way to get it is at the top of the peak, you do basic tasks to obtain higher powers to let you reach the summit, this could easily be a slog to get through but once you reach the top, the penny drops as to why Claire needs a phone signal so badly, let's just say, call your parents and ask them if they're well, you'll feel better for it.
B-Tier Game
