WTF am I Playing - Episode 25 - Halo Infinite Wait, Horizon Mexico and A Pirate's Life For Me

Getting into some triple A action today.

Halo Infinite
The spartan shooter that rewrote the FPS genre is trying things, an open world environment and a grappling hook are two big selling points of this iteration of Halo, however the game lacked alot of content on release and to this day is leagues behind it's rivals and extremely poorly managed; while the multiplayer continues being a great time, the campaign is woefully mediocre, it shouldn't be acceptable practise to wait over two years or more for a game to get good, this should've been sorted in the first month.
D-Tier Game

Forza Horizon 5
Were in Mexico for the ultimate car festival but I'm getting bored of it at this point, my biggest issue is how much the npcs want me to play, they never shut up, I feel like I'm not allowed to choose my own path as everytime I open the map I'm dragged to somewhere else, it's ten minutes of gameplay before I'm interrupted to do a race I don't wish to do yet, what made me retire was poor DLC, I know this franchise is better than this.
C-Tier Game

Sea of Thieves

The definitive game of piracy where you take a crew of rogues across the sea for rare treasures and dangerous adventure, if PvP allows you to even play without being killed every five minutes, thankfully it's been fixed with private servers. As for the gameplay, it's not for single player, I suck so bad at this game that I sank my ship immediately after leaving port, you need a crew to enjoy the experience.
B-Tier Game
